
'We Are Ready for War': Leader of Migrant Caravan Says Nothing Will Get in His Way of Making It to US


An army of 60,000 illegal aliens, mostly Haitians, is expected to flood the U.S. border in the coming weeks, and a second caravan is waiting in the wings preparing to further barrage the United States.

One of the people spearheading the next migrant invasion is Irineo Mujica, a dual citizen of Mexico and the United States who is director of the leftist advocacy group Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders), Border Report revealed Tuesday.

Mujica warned that he and his caravan of illegal aliens “are ready for war” and will reach the United States with or without the consent of governments standing in their way.

“We are leaving in 20 days,” he vowed Tuesday on social media, according to the report. “We prefer to march with [travel] papers. […] And this time, with papers or without papers, we are ready for war.

“If the National Guard comes and they are cowardly enough to beat women and children, let them prepare because God’s hand is with us.”

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Mujica’s words came amid mounting frustration that the Mexican government has begun detaining caravans barreling through Mexico en route to the United States.

Mexico recently started intercepting caravans at the behest of the Biden administration amid escalating alarm among Americans about the daily invasions.


The United States gives Mexico an average of $320 million in aid every year, in part to incentivize it to secure its own border so its residents won’t sneak into America.

When former President Donald Trump was in office, he worked with Mexico’s leader to stem the influx of illegal aliens.

After Biden took office, that arrangement went out the window, and the border devolved into an open door for armies of unvetted migrants from numerous countries.

Some 60,000 mostly Haitian migrants are heading to Texas right now, the Washington Examiner reported Tuesday. That’s on top of the 20,000 Haitians who illegally crossed into Del Rio last month.

Another 30,000 are currently traversing Colombia en route to the United States, Border Patrol authorities told the outlet.

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Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that because the Biden administration refuses to stem the migrant influx, he has ramped up efforts to secure his state’s border.

“Texas National Guard is gearing up at the border for increased caravans attempting to cross the border caused by Biden’s open border policy,” Abbott tweeted last week.

On Wednesday, Abbott said he has deployed thousands of National Guard soldiers and Texas law enforcement officers to curb the armies of unvetted migrants who are en route.

“Biden created the chaos. Texas is stopping it,” Abbott tweeted.

Despite its best efforts, Texas simply cannot stop the enormous migrant influx on its own, especially since the numbers have swelled into unprecedented proportions.

Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned department officials that as many as 400,000 illegal aliens could swarm the southern border this month alone, NBC News reported.

By now, millions of Americans believe Biden’s border crisis is not an accident. Fox Nation host Lara Logan, a former CBS News reporter, suggested that the border debacle is intentional.

“They don’t tell you the national security threat posed by letting the cartels come across the southern border, do they?” Logan told Fox News host Tucker Carlson in August.

“Whoever is in power right now, whoever is really pulling the strings … they could do anything they want to change this. And they’re not,” she said. “The United States government could change this even today. And they don’t do it.”

Biden has been in politics for five decades, with two terms as U.S. vice president. To suggest that he’s unaware of the long-term impact of his border catastrophe is naive and defies logic.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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