
Rashida Tlaib Shamelessly Triples Down on Hamas' Hospital Claims, Demands 'Independent International' Action


When it comes to picking the “worst” member of the progressive “squad” of Democratic lawmakers, one certainly wouldn’t be lacking in options.

You have Rep. Ilhan Omar and her rank antisemitism, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her vapid stupidity, Rep. Jamaal Bowman and his never having seen a fire alarm before, Rep. Ayanna Pressley and her wild hypocrisy, and Rep. Cori Bush and her questionable bookkeeping.

And yet, following the horrific and bloody Oct. 7 invasion of Israel at the hands of Hamas militants, one “squad” member appears to be standing head and shoulders above her squadmates as the objective “worst” of the bunch.

That representative is one Rashida Tlaib, the Michigan congresswoman who has made it clear that she sides with the barbaric terrorists that sparked this war.

Actions may speak louder than words (and to be sure, Tlaib’s actions have made it abundantly clear where she stands in this conflict) but sometimes it’s important to listen to the words, too.

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Because they can give you a good glimpse into a person’s pysche — or in the case of Tlaib, the utter psychosis needed to take the words of terrorists at face value.

One of the big and early flashpoints of the Israel-Hamas war came on Oct. 17 when Ahli Arab Hospital was blown up by the Israel Defense Force — according to Hamas.

That obviously didn’t stop the “squad” from taking Hamas at their collective word, because why would antisemites believe what the Israelis have to say?

Funny thing, though. As evidence began to pile up, it suggested that the hospital tragedy was the result of a botched attack by Hamas, and not some hideous war crime committed by the Israelis.


Further investigations by the U.S. confirmed that a self-inflicted mistake by Hamas was the likeliest scenario, despite the sternest protests from the likes of Tlaib and Omar.

Well, Tlaib has now tripled down on the words of literal terrorists because of course she has. The embattled congresswoman put out a statement Monday, effectively casting doubt on what happened to the hospital.

“Media outlets and third-party analysts have raised doubts about claims and evidence offered by both Israel and the Gaza Ministry of Health, and I agree with the United Nations that an independent investigation is necessary,” Tlaib said in her statement. “I cannot uncritically accept Israel’s denials of responsibility as fact, especially in light of confirmation from the World Health Organization that Israel has bombed numerous medical facilities in Gaza and reports from the Palestinian Red Crescent Society of ongoing threats from the Israeli military to evacuate hospitals.”

Interesting how she “cannot uncritically accept Israel’s” version of events, but has no problem taking Hamas at their word.

Tlaib continued: “Both the Israeli and United States governments have long, documented histories of misleading the public about wars and war crimes — like last year’s Israeli military assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh and the false claims of weapons of mass destruction that led our country into the Iraq War — and cannot clear themselves of responsibility without an independent international investigation. This debate should not distract us from the urgent need for a ceasefire to save innocent civilian lives.”

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To her absolute, minimal credit, Tlaib is actually 100 percent correct that the U.S. government has a documented history of misleading the public, which is a reminder that blindly trusting the government is generally a bad idea.

But talk about your false equivalencies.

The Israelis (and by proxy, Americans) are not chasing some mysterious boogie man of mass destruction.

This was a documented incident with plenty of physical evidence linking it to Hamas’ own blunder.

But perhaps the loudest thing that Tlaib said was what she didn’t say. Notice that there was nary a mention of Hamas — you know, the guys that started all this — in her statement that was so concerned about “the truth.”

Because by specifically casting doubt on the U.S. and Israeli version of events — and only that version — is she not tacitly saying Hamas was telling the truth?

It’s beyond the pale, and yet totally something one would expect from a “squad” member in 2023.

There’s one final, actionable point to make here: Picking the worst member of the “squad” is like picking the worst venereal disease — but it doesn’t have to be this way.

If anything, the utter ignorance of this “squad” highlights the importance of voting in every locale, even deep blue Democratic districts, come the 2026 midterms.

It may seem pointless, but given the way the “squad” has shown their rears to the world over their celebrity-crushes on Hamas, there may never be a better chance to knock them out.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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