
'Rabbis for Ceasefire' Start Reciting Torah Before Rally with Rashida Tlaib, Then Reader Gets to God's Vow About Israel


That awkward moment when the undiluted Word of God gets in the way of your agenda.

On Nov. 13, dozens of Jewish leaders from “Rabbis for Ceasefire” gathered near the U.S. Capitol in Washington to pray and call for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to ABC News.

The Detroit News reported the event was accompanied by a news conference that included members of the “squad” of left-wing lawmakers: Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, some of whom have made grossly anti-Semitic statements in the past.

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“This is a public Shacharit, the Jewish morning service, so prayers for a CEASEFIRE will ring into the streets and our elected officials’ offices,” the group said in a post on X.

During the service, rabbis also chanted a portion of the Torah in keeping with Jewish custom to read the same section across communities in the same week.

What happened next is proof God has a sense of humor.

As several Jewish posters on social media pointed out, the week’s reading included God’s promise to Isaac, the son of the Jewish patriarch Abraham, found in Genesis 26:3.

“Watch her drop her voice to a whisper TWICE when she awkwardly gets to the text, ‘to you and to your descendants will I give all these lands (Israel)…,'” Israeli entrepreneur Lazer Cohen noted on X.

“This is delicious,” said Ari Hoffman, a host at KVI-AM in Seattle. “Anti-Israel ‘Jews’ were reading the Torah at a rally with Rep. Rashida Talib (D-Gaza). The person reading goes quiet when she gets to the Hebrew for ‘…to you and to your descendants will I give all these lands (Israel).'”

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Rabbi Yaakov Menken called it like it is, posting, “For those who don’t understand, when the so-called ‘Rabbis for Ceasefire’ read the Torah portion, they deliberately mumbled & skipped over God’s promise of the Holy Land to the Jews.

“What do you call a ‘Rabbi’ who repudiates Torah? A fraud. They are frauds, each & every one.”

Maybe these rabbis should have checked what the reading of the week was before deciding to read it out loud before the world, publicly disproving themselves.


The Torah — included in the Bible’s Old Testament — is clear that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people as promised to Abraham and his descendants through his son Isaac.

While some people may disagree on policies and politics related to the Holy Land, it is entirely contradictory to say you believe in the Scriptures and yet deny the right of the Jewish people to possess the land.

The ridiculousness of the rabbi trying to mumble away an inconvenient passage serves as a powerful reminder that the Word of God transcends our agendas.

Although some try to interpret Scripture in ways that align with their views, God’s truth will always remain unchanged.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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