
R.L. Stine Reveals Publisher Made Woke Changes to 'Goosebumps' Without His Knowledge


R.L. Stine, the author of the “Goosebumps” series of children’s books, is speaking out after leftist publishers retroactively edited his books because they weren’t woke enough.

It was reported this week that Scholastic, the publisher of “Goosebumps,” rewrote Stine’s works to excise things its woke editors considered to be lacking in diversity and inclusion.

“The children’s horror novels now include more than 100 edits such as a character being described as ‘cheerful’ rather than ‘plump,’ references to villains making victims ‘slaves’ being removed and ‘crazy’ being changed to ‘silly,'” The Times reported.

Deadline noted other edits: “In ‘Say Cheese and Die — Again!,’ schoolgirls were described as having ‘crushes’ on the headmaster but that line has now been deleted. In ‘Don’t Go to Sleep!,’ a boy called Anna Karenina ‘girl’s stuff’ but now says it’s ‘not interesting.'”

The outlets claimed that Stine himself was involved in editing his “Goosebumps” oeuvre. However, the author jumped on Twitter on Monday to counter that accusation.

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In reply to one fan who was shocked at the supposed self-censorship, Stine wrote, “The stories aren’t true. I’ve never changed a word in Goosebumps. Any changes were never shown to me.”

For its part, Scholastic has fully admitted to making the changes behind the author’s back and is justifying it as protecting children.


“For more than 30 years, the ‘Goosebumps’ series has brought millions of kids to reading through humor with just the right amount of scary,” the publisher said, according to Deadline.

“Scholastic takes its responsibility seriously to continue bringing this classic adolescent brand to each new generation. When re-issuing titles several years ago, Scholastic reviewed the text to keep the language current and avoid imagery that could negatively impact a young person’s view of themselves today, with a particular focus on mental health.”

The “Goosebumps” controversy comes on the heels of other publishers combing through classic books and wokifying them to appease today’s outrage mob.

Last month, for instance, it was reported that Puffin Books had rewritten passages of famed children’s author Roald Dahl’s works.

The James Bond series is another favorite getting chopped down for violations of modern wokery. “Sensitivity readers” conducted a review of Ian Fleming’s spy novels to strike out names, descriptions or passages that upset the delicate sensibilities of the woke.

This isn’t new, either. Back in 2021, six Dr. Seuss books were targeted for elimination because they were suddenly deemed offensive.

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There was once a time when liberals — especially in Hollywood and the arts — were the first to squeal about artistic integrity and decry censorship. Some may recall the days back in the 1980s when Tipper Gore became the boogeyman of censorship with her effort to warn parents about vulgarity in the music scene.

But today, having learned that they can silence the speech of their political opponents in a fascist-like attempt to control our culture, leftists are all for censoring an artist’s work. As long as that censorship advances the radical woke agenda.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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