
Putin Admires Biden's Dems: Their Values Are Closer to Those Communism Originally Came From


It looks like Russian President Vladamir Putin has high hopes for working with a Biden White House if the Democratic candidate wins the coming presidential election despite the left’s anti-“Russia, Russia, Russia!” rhetoric.

Why? Because Putin believes American Democrats and the Kremlin have much in common.

Oh, the irony.

Putin stated during an interview with Pavel Zarubin of Rossiya 1 TV that the American Democratic party is “traditionally closer” to the liberalism and socialism exhibited by European countries.

“As for the Democratic candidate, what can I say?” Putin said, referring to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. “We can hear rather sharp anti-Russian rhetoric as well. Regrettably, we have become used to this. But some things are worth mentioning.

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“First, the Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to Social Democratic ideas, if compared to Europe,” Putin stated.

“And it was from the Social Democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.”

Putin went on to say he had been a member of the Soviet Communist Party for 18 years and shared his affinity with the party’s “left-wing values” which he believes would be the foundation for a relationship between Russia and a Biden White House.

“Yes, they are difficult to implement, but they are very attractive, nevertheless. In other words, this can be seen as an ideological basis for developing contacts with the Democratic representative,” Putin said, again referring to Biden.


The Biden campaign has had quite a tumultuous October so far, and with less than two weeks until the presidential election, a soft endorsement by Putin only makes matters worse.

President Donald Trump has critiqued the Biden campaign and Democrats for their protection of the Affordable Care Act, implemented by the Obama administration, and the left’s alleged goal of implementing socialized health care — one among many of their other radical socialist notions like universal housing and basic income.

Democratic politicians such as Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota have stated very clearly their intentions for a socialized America:

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During the final presidential debate on Thursday evening, Trump responded to Biden’s proposal to “expand” and “increase” Obamacare:

“That’s not what you’ve said, and that’s not what your party has said,” Trump interjected during Biden’s response to the debate question.

“Your party wants to go socialist medicine and socialist health care,” Trump continued, “and they’re going to dominate you, Joe, you know that.”

Democrats have been clear about how extreme they’d like to take their beloved notion of universal health care: not simply a tax-payer funded system to cover all Americans, but even illegal immigrants.

Remember last year, during NBC’s Democratic presidential candidates’ debate when they were asked to raise their hands if their “government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants”?

Every single one of them raised their hands, including Joe Biden:

The radical left seems blind to the consequences of their political agenda, and we cannot risk putting the livelihood of our country into the hands of these socialist ideologues.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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