
Portland Rioters Attack Government Building, Set Fires Inside


Portland rioters found a new target to burn Tuesday night as they smashed windows and then set fires inside the Multnomah Building, which houses county government offices.

The night of unrest marked the 83rd consecutive night in which marchers took to the streets.

After about a hour of nonviolent demonstrations, fires were lit in dumpsters and windows were smashed. In time, fires were lit inside the building, according to The Oregonian.

The fires were started by rioters who set newspapers aflame and then threw them through the broken windows, KOIN-TV reported.

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Police declared a riot at about 10:30 p.m. and spent the next hour and a half moving the rioters away from the building.

Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury released a statement after the incident, noting that the fire damaged the Office of Community Involvement, which she called “a space dedicated to engaging community members who have been marginalized by the traditional political process.

“The lobby where the first same-sex marriage in Oregon took place, and where millions of pieces of personal protective equipment are being distributed to help our community battle COVID-19, was damaged,” she said. “I acknowledge that there is grave injustice in our world and there is a violent and tragic history of oppression in our County. I am committed to transformational change.”

Leaving destruction in its wake, the crowd that had vandalized the county building then marched through residential areas yelling “Black lives matter” and “No justice, no peace.”

Portland police arrested two people in connection with the night’s unrest.


The violence continued as U.S. Attorney Billy Williams said the Department of Justice has an interest in the case of a motorist who was brutally beaten Sunday by rioters.

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Adam Haner, who was knocked unconscious, has been released from a hospital, according to The Oregonian. Police believe they have identified a suspect in the incident, but have not made any arrests.

“Like many Oregonians, I was sickened by the video circulating online showing a man being pulled from his truck in Downtown Portland and beaten and kicked until he lies on the pavement unconscious,” Williams said in a statement.

“While the circumstances leading up to this brutal assault are still under state and federal review, I must condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this depraved violence.

“We must all continue to work together to achieve peace in the streets of Portland. If we are not successful, I fear one day soon we will wake up to news that a Portlander has been killed. We cannot let this happen,” he said.

On a GoFundMe page set up for Adam Haner, his brother, Brian, wrote that “Adam is still feeling very ill. He is still very dazed. He doesn’t remember everything that has happened. He thought his truck only had a dent in it. I talked with him briefly, and got some information from Tammie.

“They have been swamped with calls, messages and text and need everyone to give them some space. So please hold off on direct contact for a few days, or until you see an update here saying other wise. The only interview Adam will do today is with the detective trying to get the people responsible for the attack.

“Forensics are taking pictures of him now as I write this. I also will not give any interviews until my brother has time to absorb all that he has been through. Me and my mom have been trying to make responses for everyone that has provided support here for Adam. Thank you all so very much. It’s been very emotional so far. Keep him in your prayers and thought,” he added.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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