
Poll: Trump Takes Lead from Biden, Seizes Young and Hispanic Voters


Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in a new poll released Monday as the nation enters the election year of 2024 facing the prospect of a rematch of the 2020 presidential race.

Additionally, the Republican front-runner is ahead in two demographics that were key to Biden’s 2020 win: young and Hispanic voters.

The USA Today/Suffolk University poll found Trump leads the president overall with 39 percent support to the incumbent’s 37 percent. Seventeen percent went to unnamed other candidates.

When seven candidates are listed by name, the former president gains an additional percentage point over Biden — leading 37 to 34 percent — with independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in third place at 10 percent support.

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In addition to RFK Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent former Harvard University professor Cornel West are other liberal candidates seeking to be on the November ballot.

The USA Today/Suffolk University poll was conducted Tuesday through Friday among 1,000 likely voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.

The poll found Trump leads Biden among voters under 35 by a margin of 4 percent (37 to 33 percent).


According to The Hill, Biden crushed Trump in 2020 among that demographic, winning by 24 percentage points.

The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University noted that the 18-29 age group went for Biden 60 percent to 36 percent.

A similar precipitous loss of support for the president is seen among Hispanics compared with 2020.

Trump now leads Biden by 5 points, 39 to 34 percent, in that demographic, the survey found.

According to the Roper Center, Biden carried Hispanics 65 to 32 percent in 2020.

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African-Americans are another demographic from whom the president has seen a sharp dropoff in support. In 2020, he pummeled Trump 87 to 12 percent.

In the USA Today survey, 63 percent of black voters said they would choose Biden, while Trump maintained his 12 percent backing.

Most black voters not casting their ballots for Biden plan to support a third-party or independent candidate.

“Although Trump hasn’t grown support among Black voters, he has closed the deficit because third-party voters come off of Biden’s support among Blacks,” David Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center, told USA Today.

“A young voter or a person of color voting ‘third party’ is a vote away from President Biden, and a vote away from President Biden is a vote for Donald Trump,” he said.

The Hill reported Biden has lost support among younger voters on issues such as his failure to cancel student loan debt and his backing of Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists.

The GOP primary race gets underway with the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 15.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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