
Politician Who Collapsed After Threatening Israel with 'Wrath of Allah' Dies


Turkish politician Hasan Bitmez died in an Ankara hospital Thursday, two days after having a heart attack mid-speech at a session of his country’s parliament.

The 54-year-old was orating a fiery tirade Tuesday, reprimanding Turkey for its trade with Israel, while also condemning the latter nation for its attacks on Gaza, according to Reuters.

He even placed a placard on his lectern while speaking, which read, “Murderer Israel; collaborator AKP.” AKP referred to the Turkish AK Party, which he was directly criticizing in his speech.

Bitmez was a member of the Islamist Felicity (Saadet) Party.

“You will not escape the wrath of Allah,” he reportedly said in his speech, addressing Jews in Israel.

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He collapsed shortly after.

Health Minister Dr. Fahrettin Koca tweeted an update on the parliament member’s death, which is Google translated below.


“Hasan Bitmez could not be saved despite all the interventions made in the intensive care unit of Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, where he was treated, and passed away today at 11:50,” Koca wrote.

“May God have mercy on our deputy, I offer my condolences and patience to his family and all his loved ones, especially the Saadet Party. Rest in peace.”

Koca said that Bitmez’s two main cardiac blood vessels were completely blocked, Reuters reported.

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He added on Tuesday that Bitmez’s heart had stopped, but he was then resuscitated at the meeting before he was transferred to the hospital.

There was a small funeral ceremony for Bitmez Thursday on the Grand National Assembly grounds.

His coffin was was draped with a Turkish and Palestinian flag, according to Al Jazeera.

He was a husband and a father of one.


This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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