
'Political Icon' Says Michelle Obama Will Become Dem Nominee for President, VP Role Will Be Bought


Self-proclaimed “political icon” and longtime political consultant Roger Stone had some bold — but not unheard of — predictions regarding the Democratic nomination for the 2024 general election.

And no, Stone does not think it’s going to be the incumbent president, Joe Biden.

Rather, the savvy political operator predicted that it’ll be a familiar name securing that Democratic presidential nomination: Obama.

Well, Michelle Obama to be specific, but is there even a difference between her or her husband at this point, politically speaking?

Stone made the prediction while speaking at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday and took to social media to share his bold claim.

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“I predict that Michelle Obama will be the Democrat Party Nominee for President in 2024,” Stone tweeted.

He added: “You heard it here first.”


(With all due respect to Mr. Stone, you actually heard that first from The Western Journal founder Floyd Brown.)

Regardless of who can actually lay claim to that ownership (to be even fairer, Newt Gingrich posited this very same idea days before Mr. Brown) it’s an idea that’s clearly gaining traction — at least on the Republican side of things.

That’s not to say that Democrats wouldn’t love the idea of a Michelle Obama presidency. It would be a fever dream for them, and she would easily generate far more excitement than literally anyone else that the Democrats could muster — including Joe Biden.

Obama, for her part, has long denied any interest at all in being the primary occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Despite those denials, Stone does posit a very logical path for how she ends up as madam president, and it all begins with the longstanding Democratic concerns about the 80-year-old Biden’s ability to finish out his first presidential term and the vice president’s deep-seated unpopularity.

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“Joe Biden will not be the nominee of the Democratic party in 2024,” Stone said at the conference. “Kamala Harris will briefly become president. But the only way in their party they can replace a woman of color is with another woman of color.

“And yes, you heard it here first, the Democratic nominee for president will be Michelle Obama.”

(Cue the raucous boos.)

Stone continued: “They have already rigged their primaries. The reason that they have canceled the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary is to put South Carolina [first], a state where a majority of Democratic primary voters are African-Americans, and they will allow [California Gov.] Gavin Newsom to purchase the vice presidential nomination, but the Obamas will hold him up for six or $800 million to do so.”

As much as that sounds like political fan fiction gone awry, there is some semblance of sense behind anyone who thinks Michelle Obama will be the next presidential candidate from Democrats.

Again, Joe Biden is a deeply unpopular president, perhaps the most since fellow Democrat Jimmy Carter was the commander-in-chief.

And just like Carter, who ignominiously is the last Democratic president to only serve a single term, all the makings are there for Biden to flounder his way to just a lone term.

Democrats will do anything to avoid that (apparently, they’ll even sell the vice presidency to perhaps the worst regarded Democrat leader in recent memory).

Is it really so far-fetched to think that they wouldn’t tap the left’s most beloved woman of color this side of Beyonce to dodge that Democratic doomsday scenario?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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