
Police Encounter Abandoned Young Boy at the Border, Then They Find Disturbing Note Left in His Backpack


As the crisis on the southern border grows worse by the day, a heartbreaking video has emerged that sheds light on the real consequences of refusing to enforce the law.

On Tuesday, Jorge Ventura, a journalist with Newsnation, posted a video on Twitter showing Texas state police officers near a border encountering a young unaccompanied migrant boy from Central America, who had been found by another migrant woman.

According to the woman who found him, he was trying to get into Texas. But it soon became worse. When police searched the boy, they found a makeshift ID with a Louisiana address on it and instructions about where he was supposed to go.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Apparently, a grown-up had sent him on that dangerous journey alone to meet someone in the United States, presumably in Louisiana, if the ID they found on him is any indication.

What makes this even more disturbing is the fact that he was encountered with a group of Chinese nationals who had crossed illegally into Texas, highlighting that the problem at the southern border is now far bigger than immigration from Central America.

Naturally, people responded to the heartbreaking video by expressing their sadness and disgust that someone would be permitted to let a small child make the dangerous and illegal border crossing by himself.

One Twitter user, however, explicitly stated who he believes is responsible for this unfortunate event: the Biden administration. “This is heartbreaking… The current administration has directly cause this mess!”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

He is absolutely right, the blame for this can be laid directly at the feet of Joe Biden and his refusal to enforce immigration laws.

As the southern border remains wide-open and more and more illegal immigrants are allowed to stream into the country, it is well-documented that this leads to harmful effects on the safety of Americans living near the border and the country in general.

But what is perhaps not as well-documented is the fact that these policies also harm the migrants, as it incentivizes them to make an illegal and dangerous journey that could end up costing them their lives.


This young child is a concrete example of that. Fortunately, it seems as though the Texas state police were able to find the young boy before anything happened to him. But not everyone is that lucky.

Young unaccompanied children like this are prime targets for smugglers and human traffickers. This boy’s life was put in serious jeopardy by whoever made him undertake this journey.

If the Biden administration truly cared about the welfare of the migrants, they would enforce immigration laws and disincentivize migrants from making these life-threatening and often pointless journeys.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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