
Pelosi Politicizes Trump's COVID Diagnosis in Less Than 30 Seconds


It took House Speaker Nancy Pelosi less than 30 seconds into an interview Friday to inject divisive partisan politics into a conversation about President Donald Trump’s health following his positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

The woman who entered a closed salon in her district in San Francisco on Aug. 31 without a mask had the audacity to make the most stunning news of the 2020 election, so far, about herself.

Speaking with CNN Friday morning, Pelosi wasted no time turning the news into a political opportunity to advance her party’s agenda — after a few potshots, of course.

Blaming the president for contracting the virus, Pelosi told CNN, “The rest of the country has to know that even with the precautions taken surrounding the president that people are susceptible.”

“Hopefully, this will be a message to the rest of the country, though, that you have to wear your mask. You have to be tested,” she said.

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Pelosi also said, “And sad as the diagnosis is that the president and first lady have, maybe it is the pivotal moment to take us to a different place as we fight this vicious virus based on science, not on politics.”

Pelosi then quickly reverted to discussing politics.


The California Democrat said she received a COVID-19 test Friday morning “out of an abundance of caution” after she met this week with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for negotiations over a new coronavirus relief spending bill being pushed by the Democrat-controlled House.

Mnuchin had been in contact with President Trump in recent days.

In those meetings, the California Democrat pushed the Democrats’ gigantic new $2.2 trillion coronavirus spending package, which is a watered-down version of the $3.4 trillion HEROES Act, which passed in the House in May and was dead on arrival in the Senate.

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Senate Republicans, of course, wouldn’t touch the Democrats’ earlier plans for expanded unemployment benefits, rental assistance, funds for coronavirus testing, direct payments to illegal immigrants and a bailout of the USPS.

The first legislation proposed by Democrats also called for bailing out newspapers and sought $300 million for PBS, which PolitiFact confirmed after somehow making it through reading through the lengthy bill.

The original HEROES Act also sought for diversity quotas in private business, airline emissions regulations and a lot of other pork unrelated to the coronavirus.

The party’s updated HEROES Act again brings the pork.

The new $2.2 trillion bill calls for funds for school funding, small business assistance and relief for airlines and restaurants, Axios reported.

It also includes $75 billion for contact tracing for “communities of color,” and who knows what else.

The 2,154-page bill calls for post office and minority business bailouts, but nixed all mentions of airline emissions.

Democrats, in the bill, do mention the bill “[s]afeguards our democracy, with new resources to ensure safe elections, an accurate Census, and preserve the Postal Service.”

That seems pretty loaded.

On Friday, Pelosi used the Trump diagnosis to politic publicly for the massive spending bill, which pushes radically segregated coronavirus testing.

Pelosi told CNN, “We have to have the funding for tracing and treatment and engage in social distancing. That’s not what the White House was engaged in,” Pelosi said.

“Now, hopefully, they’ll send a different message to the country, or even if they don’t do that, it will be a lesson learned by the rest of the country.”

The comments were utterly shameless, which we’ve come to expect from Pelosi.

Of course, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans won’t touch any bill over $1 trillion, as the majority party wants targeted relief legislation for Americans who are struggling financially.

Democrats’ plans to force racial initiatives during a national health crisis that has now reached the White House won’t cut the mustard here.

McConnell called Pelosi’s bill “outlandish” and said its price tag it “too high,” Business Insider reported.

Meanwhile, GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said, “Anything above $1 trillion would be difficult.”

“There’s a real revulsion among Republicans to going above $1 trillion and even $1 trillion is real difficult,” he added, according to United Press International.

Simply put, the $2.2 trillion bill is going nowhere.

Still, Pelosi shamelessly attempted to use Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis as a Hail Mary pass to champion her party’s behemoth spending bill.

Democrats immediately made the pandemic a political fight in March after they spent weeks urging people to prioritize racial and cultural sensitivity over public health. It will never stop.

Now, they’ve gone even lower by attempting to leverage Trump’s contracting of COVID-19 to their advantage.

The only question is: If Pelosi is at the Capitol attempting to hoodwink Americans into accepting $2.2 trillion in additional debt, who is in her district putting hair salons out of business?

For the record, Mnuchin has tested negative for the coronavirus, Fox Business reported.

Pelosi, though, continues to be positively unhinged and absent of a shred of decency.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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