
Over 75 Cars Line Street To Show Thanks for UPS Driver Who's Worked Tirelessly Through Pandemic


It’s a blessing that many of us can have just about anything we want or need delivered to our doorstep, but that means someone has to be out there pounding the pavement and spending long days on the road so we can benefit.

One of those people is Anthony Gaskin. He’s an unassuming man, always ready with a wave and a smile for residents as he brings them the packages they’ve been anxiously awaiting.

So on Dec. 15, 2020, those residents in Midlothian, Virginia, decided to let him know just how much he meant to them with an amazing turnout of people lining the road to honk horns, hold signs and cheer the delivery man on.

Patty Friedman and a group of neighbors planned the event, which has made headlines since it was held.

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“Arriving on bikes, on foot, and in more than 75 cars, hundreds of Hallsley residents lined the road and waited for Anthony to turn the corner,” Friedman wrote in an email, according to WTVR-TV. “A humble man, he needed to be coaxed, but eventually, slowly drove his truck down the road while children and adults held up signs, screamed his name, honked their horns, and rang bells.”

The Hallsley at Midlothian Facebook page shared a video of the reverse parade.

“Anthony Gaskin was surprised by the outpouring of THANK YOU’s from Hallsley residents,” the community’s post read. “In addition to this ‘UPS Driver Parade’, Anthony was gifted Christmas cards filled with gift cards and cash. Thanks for all you do Anthony!”

An email also circulated, with many neighbors singing his praises through the written word.


“Through COVID, Anthony has continued working, delivering packages at our doors, record numbers of them, over 180 times to date,” Friedman wrote. “I wanted to thank him personally for how much he helped me feel welcome when I moved in during a pandemic.

“It was terribly lonely and he was always the highlight of my day. Mentioning this to a few people and the response I got was all I needed to know I was not alone.”

“Anthony always delivers our packages with a wave and a smile,” another person wrote. “Sometimes he is the only outside face we see during the day. We appreciate his hard work and dedication during the pandemic, which delivered food, supplies, and even holiday gifts to a high-risk family.”

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“Anthony always smiles, waves, and goes above and beyond to deliver packages with care,” a third wrote. “He makes you feel like a friend when you see him. He brightens our day, whenever he drops off a package, which is frequently at our house! He stands out from ALL other delivery drivers and we love him! Cheers to Anthony!”

“Thank you Anthony for all you do,” a fourth wrote. “My six-year-old daughter hasn’t seen either set of grandparents in over a year. This has been very hard on everyone. Many of the packages you deliver are from them. The joy the packages bring makes it worthwhile.

“Thank you for always delivering them with a kind smile and a friendly wave!”

There were definitely tears, and Gaskin’s supervisors got in on the celebration as well, recognizing their employee’s hard work and dedication.

And Gaskin? It reminded him that his job is a crucial one and he’s making a big difference to the people he serves every day.

“I will never, ever, forget that, ever,” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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