
Op-Ed: May We Never Forget COVID Tyranny - And Never Allow It to Happen Again


With the midterm elections underway, there is much to consider, including abortion, crime and inflation. Although these issues are critical, we must not forget the tyranny we have experienced over the last two years.

Less than a year ago, President Joe Biden, along with the majority of the Democratic Party, mandated the COVID vaccine for over 100 million Americans. Although the vaccine never protected against infection or transmission of COVID, Americans were faced with termination of employment if they did not get the injection.

Much vitriol was directed at the unvaccinated by the president, media and other prominent leaders. Some Democratic cities and states even went so far as to mandate digital vaccine IDs to enter businesses. During this crisis, Americans lost their livelihoods, some were vaccine-injured, and some even lost their lives.

I recall when the governor of my state not only mandated the COVID vaccine for state workers, but also encouraged businesses to use digital vaccine IDs for entry. I decided to call my governor’s office regarding the implementation of the vaccine IDs and vaccine mandate and got into an hour-long debate with his spokesman.

I told him that the digital IDs violated our liberty as American citizens and did not make sense because vaccinated individuals could still carry the virus into an establishment even with a digital health ID. He told me that the liberty I thought I had was merely a figment of the imagination because “the state gives you your rights.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

I was shocked at his boldness to make such a claim. I told him that it was he who was misguided. According to our founding documents, we have been given inalienable rights by God, not the state. Nevertheless, he continued to argue based on past judicial rulings that the state gives us our rights and downplayed the existence of God.

Our discussion transitioned into thoughts on moral law. When I asked him where he thought moral law comes from, he responded that civilization has given us morality and argued from an evolutionary perspective. Furthermore, he attempted to equate consciousness with the soul. When asked what happens to our consciousness when we die, he was initially stumped, but ultimately said, “One minus one equals zero,” meaning, it is no longer.

I informed him that the way he defined consciousness is not compatible with the soul because the soul transcends death. When I asked if he believed he has a soul, he refused to answer the question… and ended the call.

This was an eye-opening moment for me. The state’s belief that it gives us our rights is a recipe for tyranny. It does not give rights to anyone — God is the one who has given us our rights. The state’s role is to protect our rights. However, because it thinks it gives us our rights, it also thinks it has the authority to take them away (as was realized during the height of COVID).


This should alarm us all. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, independent, conservative, moderate or liberal — if the state believes it gives you your rights, you are nothing more than a serf who is useful only to aggrandize the state.

This reminds me of an episode of “The Twilight Zone” called “The Obsolete Man.” In the episode, Mr. Wordsworth was labeled obsolete because he was a librarian. The state had no more use for librarians because there were no more books; therefore, the state decided to eliminate him. The chancellor of the state said to Mr. Wordsworth, “The state has no use for your kind!”

Not too long ago, the state had no concern for the unvaccinated and was willing to force the termination of their employment, which resulted in significant hardship. It even banned them from entering certain establishments in some cities (even though the vaccinated could transmit COVID to others).

Now, as we focus our attention on the midterms, the core issue that should concern us is which candidates will uphold the Constitution and our God-given rights. If state officials do not understand their role as protectors of our God-given rights, which are informed by Scripture, America may become the next bloodthirsty dictatorship.

May we not allow that to happen.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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