
Op-Ed: There Could Be an Even Darker Truth Behind COVID Lab Leak Theory


If you’re a conspiracy theorist, these days your batting average is soaring.

When Donald Trump and conservatives asserted early on that COVID likely originated in China’s Wuhan lab, Democrats and their media allies rushed to cancel the common sense conclusion as a xenophobic conspiracy theory.

But now, even the FBI and Department of Energy have shunned Democratic pressure and posit that the outbreak most likely did originate in the Chinese government-controlled lab.

Democrats may want to re-examine their fondness for labeling themselves the “party of science.” For one thing, they cannot seem to figure out the clear biological difference between males and females. For another, the value of stock in science has plummeted amid revelations of conspiracies by scientists.

Dr. Anthony (“I Am Science”) Fauci vehemently denied shoveling federal funds to the Wuhan lab and gain-of-function research. Yet Senate hearings and media reporting have provided ample evidence to the contrary.

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Damning evidence also has tarred the World Health Organization, which, apparently because of political and economic ties to China, turned a blind eye to clear evidence implicating China in the COVID cover-up. WHO essentially served as the propaganda ministry of the Chinese Communist Party while the virus spread faster because of the cover-up.

As more and more “conspiracy theories” prove to be accurate, perhaps it is time to re-examine an even more controversial conspiracy theory — one that U.S. agencies may have ruled out prematurely.

What if the CCP not only conspired to hide the true origin of the COVID outbreak, but also plotted to use the lab leak to destabilize the world and advance its goal of worldwide domination? Given the stated goals and tactics of communism and the behavior and statements of Chinese communist leaders, why would we not pursue that possibility?

COVID decimated national economies, killed millions and destabilized the world. What motive might have led CCP officials to not only lie about but also possibly plot and execute such a cataclysmic crisis?


Over a century of communist writing provides a clear ideological and historical rationale for such a heinous plot.

Communists gain control by following a stated strategy of fomenting chaos, destabilizing the status quo and pursuing violent revolution. In both gaining and exerting political power, communists consider the lives of their own people expendable for political reasons, as evidenced by the literally millions of victims in China and the former Soviet Union.

The murders of China’s own people continue today. The U.S. State Department has designated “China’s treatment of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims as genocide and crimes against humanity.”
Violence and communism are inseparable.

As the murderous former CCP chairman Mao Tse Tung proclaimed, “A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.”

Mao profoundly influenced China’s current president for life, strongman Xi Jinping. Communist tactics consistent with Mao’s survive in “Xi Jinping Thought” — the ideology that now permeates China’s constitution.

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Xi has even publicly linked the pandemic with his hegemonic designs, in cloaked terms.

Xi has asserted, “The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. The new [coronavirus] epidemic has intensified the evolution of the major changes. … Economic globalization is facing headwinds.”

To Xi and his apparatchiks, “the evolution of major changes” means China supplants the U.S. on the world stage. “Headwinds” open a door of opportunity for revolution.

Based on their own words and the documented cold-blooded nature of their party, Xi and the CCP have a clear motive to spread a pandemic for political purposes. The Wuhan lab gave them the means to do so.

We now know that the CCP deliberately delayed revealing the truth about the virus when it first began to spread worldwide, costing untold lives with their lies. What if that crime of omission pales in comparison to an even more heinous crime of commission?

Our government agencies should reconsider pursuing evidence that might uncover what would be the darkest of all conspiracies — that in their drive toward global domination, CCP officials actually conspired to deploy the virus as a weapon of worldwide chaos, violence and destabilization.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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