
One Word Was Conspicuously Absent from Biden's Israel Speech


President Joe Biden’s overdue address to the nation was marked not so much by what he said but by what he did not say.

The president hosted a barbeque Sunday and then called a lid early Monday despite the news that American citizens — the latest number rests at 14 — were killed along with Israelis in the horrific attacks by the terrorist group Hamas on Israel on Saturday, and dozens more may still be being held captive.

On Tuesday, Biden finally addressed the nation and, thankfully, reversed course from the White House’s now-deleted tweet, which urged “all sides” to “refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks.”

Biden’s speech on Tuesday condemned Hamas and voiced unequivocal support for Israel, promising to “stand with Israel” and to ensure that it “has what it needs to take care of its citizens.”

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However, the weakness of the United States with Biden at the helm was on display again as the president did not call out Iran for its part in the attacks or even suggest the possibility of refreezing the $6 billion, which was released to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism in return for the return of five Americans.

Former President Donald Trump had predicted that the money would be used to “stoke violence, bloodshed & mayhem throughout Middle East.”


Israel’s ambassador to the U.N. shared a video on X of a speech given by a Hamas leader with the caption, “If you had any doubt about who is funding and supporting this barbaric terror attack: here’s a video of Hamas terrorists thanking none other than IRAN for the weapons, money and rockets that helped the terrorists to slaughter and kidnap Israelis. The Ayatollah regime is the head of the octopus. Don’t look away.”

X users pointed out the weakness always seems to reflect when he’s on stage:

One user wrote, “Could he appear any weaker on the world stage?”

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RNC Research posted, “Biden spoke for 10 minutes and 12 seconds, then turned his back and shuffled away. He did not even mention Iran.”

Fox News contributor Joe Concha wrote, “14 Americans are dead. An unknown number have been taken hostage. President Biden just spoke for 11 minutes before quickly walking away without taking any questions. No mention of Iran whatsoever. Utterly irresponsible and weak on both fronts.”

Omitting to mention the puppet masters behind the Hamas terrorists, after taking so long to say anything at all, shows weakness at a time when Americans need to be concerned about attacks at home.

The fact that there was no tactical-level intelligence received by either Israel or the U.S. about this attack raises concerns about other impending attacks, especially given the fact that we have a wide-open southern border.

Biden walked away without answering any questions that could have been raised about Iran’s role in the attacks, raising questions about why he did not seem to want to confront that evil.

It’s not a good look in front of countries waiting like hyenas to pounce.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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