
NPR Abortion Segment Goes Horribly Wrong When Listeners Hear Mother as Baby Dies


Abortion has been a polarizing issue in the United States for decades, but the Supreme Court decision in June that overturned Roe v. Wade has pushed the battle over the right to life into the center of the November midterm elections.

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio produced a report last week obviously aimed at engendering sympathy for the barbaric practice, but ironically ended up proving how unconscionable abortion is.

As Fox News reported, NPR’s “Morning Edition” on Friday aired an 11-minute audio segment of a woman undergoing an abortion of her 11-week-old baby inside a clinic in the Detroit area.


Conservative activist Greg Price posted the now-viral recording to his Twitter page. Listeners can hear the crying, moaning and general distress of the mother as her infant is suctioned from her womb, the one place an infant should be completely safe.

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The NPR story was reported by journalist Kate Wells, who according to Fox, “…put a spotlight on the dim lighting and ‘soothing music’ that she claimed makes it feel ‘a lot like a childbirth.'”

The fact that any clinic would intentionally simulate the environment of a healthy birth while brutally murdering a defenseless life should disturb even the most desensitized.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, publicly condemned NPR’s vile broadcast.

“It is horrifying and inappropriate for a taxpayer funded outlet to air the excruciating moments for child and mother of an abortion,” Dannenfelser told Fox.

“If I were an advertiser, I would question the judgment of affronting viewers who see this death of a 11-week-old human being with fingers, eyes, toes, revealing left or right-handedness as tragic.”

Dr. Tara Sander Lee, a senior director of “life sciences” at the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute in Arlington, Virginia, denounced NPR’s decision and how it handled the story.

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“The sound of a mother’s suffering as her unborn child is being suctioned from her womb is painful and unforgettable. That child’s heart had already beat over 9 million times and will be heard no more. That child already displayed a preference for using their right or left hand when sucking his thumb,” Lee told Fox.

“NPR referred to the baby as ‘pregnancy tissue.’ Yet that baby had already developed over 4,000 distinct body parts, or 90 percent of the named body parts found in an adult,” Lee continued.

The only positive outcome from this tragedy is that NPR’s intended effect will likely implode.


Instead of normalizing or even glorifying the barbaric act of abortion, it could well shock and sicken enough uninformed Americans into realizing the practice should be illegal in every state. That means, for NPR, the broadcast has gone horribly wrong.

“NPR inadvertently told a powerful story, explaining why so many women are pro-life because in hearing a woman’s fear and the sound of her baby’s life slipping away, the natural reaction is sorrow and horror,” Kate Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, told Fox.

“Abortion is a tragedy, and hearing a life ended was a shockingly disrespectful thing to do to both mother and child.”

Prolific pro-life commentator Alexandra DeSanctis Marr wrote that NPR showed more than it intended.

Pray that the recording of this innocent life being taken, as vile and sickening as it is, serves to save countless other innocents as it brutally rebukes the lie that abortion is health care — even if it didn’t intend to.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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