
Now Space Is Racist: Ivy League Class Highlights Connection Between Black Holes and Black People


In yet another example spotlighting that race-baiting, left-wing propaganda has infiltrated every stage of life, an Ivy League university course now suggests that space is racist.

According to the course description of an astronomy class at Cornell University called “Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos,” there are racial undertones to the term “black holes.”

“Conventional wisdom would have it that the ‘black’ in black holes has nothing to do with race,” the course description reads. “Surely there can be no connection between the cosmos and the idea of racial blackness. Can there?”

The class, which was offered this spring, taught that there is indeed a connection between the cosmos and “the idea of racial blackness.”

Instead of citing astronomers and astrophysicists to support its flimsy hypothesis, the class cited Black Studies scholars and fiction writers who “implicitly and explicitly posit just such a connection.”

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In other words, because a “black study” professor or fiction writer says there’s a racial undertone to the term “black hole,” that means it’s true.

The vapid liberal arts class masquerading as a science course was taught by Nicholas Battaglia, an assistant astronomy professor, and comparative literature professor Parisa Vazir, whose work focuses on “blackness.”

Not surprisingly, the intellectually anemic class was lampooned on Twitter as another example of the left’s “ongoing racial hysteria.”


An aspiring physics doctoral student tweeted that the Cornell course shows that “ideologically corrupted social theorists are hijacking astrophysics to misinterpret history by using unfalsifiable social theories.”

“If you want to know what an intellectual wasteland the Ivy League has become, at Cornell they are wondering whether ‘black holes’ are racist,” another Twitter commenter said.

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Hontas Farmer, who is black, explained that “the term ‘Black Hole’ is not about race or skin color. In fact, this course from Cornell likely is causing way more damage than good.”

Farmer, a self-professed astrophysicist, is an adjunct professor at Elmhurst University.

While all this sounds funny, it spotlights a frightening trend in academia, which has been invaded by left-wing propaganda that’s indoctrinating children — from elementary school to high school to college to the workplace.

Amazingly, this is not the first time that left-wing academics have politicized and racialized space.

Three years ago, Brooklyn Law professor Alice Ristroph slammed the 2017 solar eclipse, claiming the sun was racist for shining across states where few black people lived.

“It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people,” Ristroph wrote in a mind-numbing post in The Atlantic.

“Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system. Still, an eclipse chaser is always tempted to believe that the skies are relaying a message.”

According to today’s race-hustling, grievance-mongering left, almost everything is racist: The SAT is racist. So is the environment.

Math is racist too!

If you believe today’s deranged left, the coronavirus is also racist!

The left’s frivolous weaponization of the race card has gotten so inane that even some vegetables are under fire for being racist.

In 2019, Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said planting cauliflower is racist.

This racial hysteria will continue to snowball because sowing resentment and exploiting racial division have been a very effective tool for Democrats to gain power.

Unfortunately, they’re not concerned about the riots and race wars erupting in liberal cities across the U.S. because public safety and societal instability are trivial collateral damage for power-hungry Democrats.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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