
New Bill Punishes Parents Who Refuse to 'Affirm' Child's Gender - They Could Risk Losing Custody of Their Own Kids


The dark coalition between the transgender movement and the left-wing anti-family ideology continues, with yet another blow to parental rights.

According to a Washington Free Beacon report, a California bill, A.B. 957, regarding custody disputes involving children, has been modified to punish parents who do not support their child’s “self-identified” gender.

The bill, introduced by Assemblywoman Lori Wilson and co-authored by the far-left state Senator Scott Wiener, has passed the State Assembly and is now under review in the Senate.

According to the new changes, judges must prioritize the parent who supports and acknowledges the child’s “self-identified” gender.

The newly updated version includes a specific definition of “the health, safety, and welfare” of a child to include “a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity.”

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Simply put, if a divorced or separated couple has a custody dispute, the court will prioritize the rights of the parent who wants to help the child mutilate his or her body parts. Which, come to think of it, may have been the reason for the divorce or separation in the first place.

The continuous introduction and passing of new legislation in leftist states makes it infinitely clear that there is a sinister agenda at work — an agenda bent on destroying the family unit and increasing state control over our nation’s most precious treasure — our children.


Last month, Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington signed into law SB5599, more appropriately referred to as “The Kidnapping Bill.” It allows schools to hide minor children whose parents do not affirm their “self-identified” gender in shelters, without the parents’ knowledge or permission, before referring them to doctors for gender transition. It also allows these agencies to harbor minors seeking abortions.

In a Facebook post, Washington State GOP representative candidate Jerrod Sessler called it a ” life-altering, family-destroying crime.”

“Once at the shelter,” Sessler explained, “the student will meet their next groomer who will inform them of their rights under the law. Because the student is upset at their parents, which happens at times in every family, they volunteer for the bondage disguised as false-freedom. Meanwhile, parents are left to their own agony not knowing where [their] child is and having zero rights to retrieve him/her. Within days, the student will be injected with big pharma products that will alter their mental state as they continue to listen to the whispered lies from the string of groomers leading them into hell on earth.”

School boards across the country continue to update their curriculums with materials designed to turn children away from their parents, offering a way out to confused young men and women by brainwashing them into believing that changing their genitalia will fix the empty void in their hearts.

Using tactics that originated in the Garden of Eden, the transgender agenda’s primary motive is to destroy everything that is God-affirming and replace it with “self-affirming.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Ronald Reagan once called for “an America of wisdom that honors the family, knowing that if the family goes, so goes our civilization.”

Anti-democratic factions of our society understand this and are relentlessly working to break down this most vital pillar of our civilization.

Immigrant parents understand this, too, and are willing to fight for their families and for safety of their children in the country they now call home.

WARNING: The following video contains violent content that the viewer may find disturbing.

It’s time for the rest of America to wake up and take back the reins of our families, our children, and the very foundation of our civilization before there is nothing left but a mind-controlled generation that cannot even be sure what gender they are.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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