
Navy SEAL Who Killed bin Laden Refused To Wear a Mask While Flying, So Delta Banned Him


Rob O’Neill did his country, and indeed the entire world, a great service on a late-night raid in Pakistan in May 2011.

O’Neill, to save you the grizzly details, killed international Islamic terrorist Osama bin Laden during a complicated mission.

The operation was swift and effective, and it achieved its goals, despite a few hiccups.

The man behind the planning of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was dead, and O’Neill and his band of brothers were flown away by chopper back to Afghanistan before the Pakistanis could even begin preparing nāshtā.

Today, O’Neill can’t fly in America, at least not on any Delta Air Lines flights, after he publicly flaunted the company’s mask policy on social media.

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O’Neill, who is a valiant fighter and a patriot, has spent a lot of time in the field as a former Navy SEAL.

So, you’ll have to forgive his cadence.

O’Neill sometimes doesn’t use polite language, which is a common theme among service men and women.

In a Wednesday tweet which O’Neill said his wife made him take down, he posted a photo of himself on a Delta flight without a mask, and wrote, “I’m not a p—-,” the New York Post reported.

Controversy ensued, as it so often does in an America which handles everything with kid gloves.

O’Neill was attacked by masked do-gooders who found his rebellious approach to mask mandates problematic.

Some of these people are obviously not in the loop as to who O’Neill is, or what he did, but their responses are ridiculous, nonetheless:

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Sadly, the story doesn’t end with Twitter accounts attacking the heroic soldier.

Delta actually took notice, banning him from flying with the company in the future.

“I just got banned from @Delta for posting a picture. Wow,” he posted on Thursday evening.

O’Neill had also clarified that his mask comment was not about the masked man behind him wearing a U.S. Marine Corps hat.

In a statement to The Western Journal, a Delta spokesman confirmed that O’Neill had been banned for refusing to wear a mask.


“Part of every customer’s commitment prior to traveling on Delta is the requirement to acknowledge our updated travel policies, which includes wearing a mask,” the statement read.

“Failure to comply with our mask-wearing mandate can result in losing the ability to fly Delta in the future.”

You get the feeling O’Neill will be just fine without Delta Air Lines.

Also Wednesday, the valiant fighter posted on Twitter: “I shook thousands of hands and gave thousands of hugs this week. I flew on some planes. I’ll be alive next week.”

While others are free to take the health measures they think are necessary to protect themselves amid the coronavirus, O’Neill is apparently not too concerned about masking up.

He was joking, after all:

He’s earned the right to be himself, one would think.

Even if O’Neill never flies Delta again, there has to be some solace taken in knowing that he has more in common with the men of the Delta Force than those in charge of Delta Air Lines.

There are other airlines out there.

Still, banning an American hero is an absurd step to take by any company.

At least O’Neill still has a sense of humor:

Osama bin Laden attacked Americans in 2001 using hijacked commercial airliners.

While no Delta flights were used in those horrifying attacks, you’d think the company could give Mr. O’Neill a bit of credit.

Bin Laden can no longer hatch any plans to wage war on Americans using commercial airliners, and O’Neill is a big reason for that.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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