
MTG Takes to Streets of NYC with Bullhorn to Send Message to Lib Mayor Eric Adams


A defiant message of public scorn might not have been what New York City Mayor Eric Adams was asking for, but it’s what he got.

As the legal and media circus gains strength in New York over the politicized trial of former President Donald Trump, liberals should be learning that intimidation isn’t going to work when it comes to keeping out Trump supporters.

And when that Trump supporter is named Marjorie Taylor Greene, it’s only going to backfire — big time.

Adams was already on the receiving end of a scalding scolding by Greene after he called her out by name during a speech Monday about preparations for Trump’s arraignment in Manhattan criminal court.

On Tuesday he got burned — and on the streets of his own city — as Greene took over a bullhorn to denounce Adams and the Democratic Party as a whole for the direction it wants to take the United States.

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“To the Mayor Adams,” Greene said, speaking into a bullhorn’s handpiece. “As you can see, I’m standing here, peacefully protesting. You called me out by name while you allow crime in your streets, and you send your henchmen down here to commit assault against people by making loud noises, assault against police officers who are doing their job … trying to prevent violence.”


Even without Adams’ public call-out, Greene’s appearance in New York would likely have been a lightning rod, given that leftists consider her one of the most despised conservatives in the country. (The liberal weather vanes on “The View” devoted a lengthy discussion Monday to denouncing her appearance in a “60 Minutes” segment on Sunday. As Whoopi and the girls go, so goes the liberal nation.)

But as it was, Greene’s arrival was an occasion for heavy security, amid mobs of cameras kept at bay by a security detail.

As much as she might have gotten used to the spotlight lately, Greene didn’t let a moment go to waste Tuesday — using the bullhorn to excoriate Democrats as “the party of violence” and espouse Republican causes.

“We’re the party of peace. We’re the party that wants to protect the lives of the unborn. We’re the party of male and female.  … We’re the party of secure borders.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“We’re the party that will bring peace to the world, like President Trump did, not World War III, like Joe Biden is doing.

“We’re the party of economic prosperity. We’re the party where every American can live the American dream.”

That’s powerful stuff, and while Greene isn’t universally popular on the conservative side of the political spectrum, it’s tough to see how even Democrats could disparage her points — or make the same claims on their own.

Naturally, social media was swarming with Greene’s detractors — Twitter is still a liberal cesspool, even after Elon Musk’s takeover.

But there was plenty of MTG support, too.

There’s no need to include critical Twitter posts here, we’ve all seen them at every turn. But it’s worth pointing out that not even the liberals who attacked Greene on Twitter had a substantive argument against her points.

It’s easy to see why: There isn’t one.

Democrats are the party of the president who essentially invited the Russian invasion of Ukraine, who sold out the people of Afghanistan to Islamist savages from the Middle Ages who think of women as chattel, who belongs to the party that believes in the untrammeled right of a woman to kill her child in the womb.

They’re the party that can’t define what a “woman” is (they should maybe check with the Taliban), the party that opened the United States’ southern border to an invasion of illegal aliens that will be shaping the country for generations to come.

They’re the party that’s doing its best to destroy the country’s domestic energy production and overseeing a scourge of inflation not seen in the United States since the humiliating presidency of the hapless Jimmy Carter, a Democrat who looks competent compared to the current crop.

And they’re the party of Mayor Eric Adams, a politician who ran for office on a platform of cracking down on crime but shows no signs of coming through.

They’re the party of District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a “prosecutor” who clearly has little interest in criminal prosecution unless it involves a former Republican president who used to call Manhattan home.

The political prosecution in New York is a disgrace to American law and its political traditions, but Democrats have spent the years since Trump’s arrival on the political scene stooping ever further in their efforts to destroy him and the movement he represents.

It’s not going to work. And on Tuesday, Marjorie Taylor Greene explained why.

That wasn’t what Eric Adams and his party could have wanted, but they got it — right in the face.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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