
MTG Shows Democrat Who Pulled Fire Alarm How Easy It Is to Exit Building the Correct Way


You’ve got to hand it to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia: She’s like a dog with a bone. No matter what, she doesn’t give up.

The Georgia representative has been at the forefront of speaking up for defendants incarcerated because of their involvement in the Capitol incursion of Jan. 6, 2021. For more than two years, she has argued that their prosections are the result of a double standard, and now she has a new way of making her point.

On Saturday surveillance video captured Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York, a member of the far left “squad,” triggering a fire alarm in one of the House of Representatives’ three office buildings.

Bowman claimed that he had activated the fire alarm “mistakenly thinking it would open the door.” He said he was trying to get to the House floor to vote on the continuing resolution to keep the government open.

In response, Greene recorded a video showing how clearly the fire alarm in the Cannon building is marked and how easy it is to exit the building if the doors are closed for the weekend.

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“Let me show you how easy it is to exit the Cannon building if doors are closed for the weekend,” Greene wrote in the post.

“No need to pull a fire alarm, you simply have to walk down some steps.

“Jamaal Bowman knew what he was doing. He was trying to interrupt the vote.

“Bowman needs to be arrested and prosecuted on the same charges being used to imprison J6ers.”

“This right here is a fire alarm,” Greene said in the video, like a kindergarten teacher explaining basic door opening rules to 5-year-olds. “Nowhere does it say, ‘pull the fire alarm to open the exit doors.'”

Greene then explained to viewers that during the week, the door to the building is open to exit, but during the weekend, it is not.  However, there are two other ways to exit through the building that Bowman would have known to take, including taking the stairs to a tunnel in the basement that goes to the Capitol that’s often used use in bad weather.

Pulling the fire alarm was not one of the ways.

“So let’s explain it very clearly again,” Greene said. “Jamal Bowman didn’t pull the fire alarm to try to get out of the building because he had to rush to go vote. I know for a fact because I also work at the Cannon office building, and I watched Katherine Clark, the Democrat whip, make a motion to adjourn … and then, within minutes, Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm. And he knew he was pulling a fire alarm because he’s a former middle school principal.

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“Then he ran out of the building,” Greene added, “And didn’t tell anybody he did that. And, this building was evacuated for over an hour. And Congress had to hold the vote open … that’s usually only 15 minutes over the first vote… they held it over for an hour as well,” she said.

When feigning ignorance didn’t work, Bowman switched to the second page in the far left playbook — attack your accusers and call them Nazis.

On Monday, an internal memo from Bowman’s office circulated among his Democratic colleagues, urging them to publicly support him and providing suggested arguments.


According to Fox News, the memo, titled “Messaging Guidance: Supporting Congressman Jamaal Bowman After Unintentional Fire Alarm,” suggested that Democrats support Bowman by saying, “I believe Congressman Bowman when he says this was an accident. Republicans need to instead focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party before anything else.”

When the memo came to light, Bowman tried to walk back the “Nazi” comment, posting on X: “I just became aware that in our messaging guidance, there was inappropriate use of the term Nazi without my consent. I condemn the use of the term Nazi out of its precise definition. It is important to specify the term Nazi to refer to members of the Nazi party & neo-Nazis.”

But the leopard had already shown its spots.

Democrats cover every accusation they hurl at Republicans with the white sheet of “Nazi” or “white supremacist.” It apparently allows them to sleep at night when they indict fellow Americans for “interrupting an official proceeding,” yet protect their own for doing exactly the same thing.

But Greene isn’t having it.

She’s holding Bowman accountable, even if she has to do it alone.

“There’s some serious problems for Jamaal Bowman,” she said at the end of the video. “And he needs to be prosecuted for violating the same federal law that they are prosecuting Jan. 6 defendants … and President Trump.”

She’s not giving up.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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