
MTG Shaken by Terrible Christmas Day Surprise After Receiving Death Threat


On Christmas morning, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia reported that she and her family had received an unexpected and unwelcome visit from law enforcement.

“I was just swatted,” Greene wrote on the social media platform X.

The incident occurred four days after a deranged individual made graphic death threats against Greene and her boyfriend, Brian Glenn.

“Swatting” refers to the insidious practice of making prank emergency calls that alert law enforcement to nonexistent threats. The purpose is to terrorize victims by sending heavily-armed SWAT teams to their residences for no reason.

For instance, a prank caller might tell law enforcement that a shooting has occurred at the victim’s residence. Heavily-armed law-enforcement officials then arrive at the residence and follow all the protocols of a dangerous situation.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

It takes little imagination to see how things might go wrong in such circumstances. At best, the victim suffers harassment and possible trauma.

Of late, mentally disturbed leftists have used swatting as a tool of political intimidation against conservatives.

Catturd — a prominent supporter of former President Donald Trump and an account with more than 2.1 million followers on X — reported another swatting incident at his home on Friday.


“I was just swatted again … the local cops are great and know what’s going on now. All is well at the Catturd ranch. Still not going to shut up,” Catturd posted.

An accompanying image showed the account’s signature, iconic, bespectacled cat flipping his enemies the middle finger.

WARNING: The following post contains an image that some readers may find offensive.

Dom Lucre, another prominent pro-Trump account with more than 889,000 followers, reported a swatting incident last month at his residence in Nashville, Tennessee.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“To everyone that wished me well and prayed for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God could not have put a better support system in my life. Let’s get back to work. We have a nation to make great again,” Dom Lucre wrote at the end of a lengthy post.

In short, lunatics have deliberately placed Trump supporters in harm’s way.

“This is like the 8th time,” Greene wrote of her latest encounter with swatting.

On the bright side, victims have praised local law enforcement.

“My local police are the GREATEST and shouldn’t have to deal with this,” Greene wrote on Christmas Day.

Alas, it appears that those who threaten extreme violence against conservatives can count on tacit support in the form of indifference from the FBI.

Vince Langman, another prominent Trump supporter with more than 130,000 followers on X, noted an obvious double standard in federal law enforcement.

“Imagine if that was happening to Nancy Pelosi. There’d be 200 FBI agents on the case, and the people responsible for it would be in federal prison today,” Langman posted.

Evan Kilgore, a Trump supporter with more than 73,000 followers, commented on the depravity of the pranksters.

“On Christmas day… These people are EVIL. God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas,” Kilgore wrote.

Greene focused on the inadequate response from the FBI.

In a series of lengthier posts later on Christmas Day, the congresswoman decried the FBI’s apparent lack of interest in arresting a man who made gruesome death threats against her and Glenn.

The first of those posts featured screenshot images of explicit threats from someone named Ben McLean.

WARNING: The following content contains graphic descriptions of extreme violence and vulgar language that some readers may find disturbing and offensive.

According to Greene, the FBI and Capitol Police merely called McLean, questioned him and then emailed his answers to her.

“The outright absurdity of this email response and the fact that they have not arrested this guy is shocking, thankfully I’m a gun owner. But compare it to how the FBI and DOJ treats J6’ers, Pres Trump, and their political enemies,” Greene wrote as part of a lengthier post.

Greene continued to blast the FBI and promised to take action against swatters.

“The FBI can do so many things, has even abused FISA to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans, but can not figure out who wants me killed by a hail of bullets fired by a SWAT team responding to murder suicide calls supposedly coming from me,” she wrote as part of a lengthier post.

“I will be introducing legislation to track down swatters. Thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes for me and my family,” she later added.

One possible answer to the swatting epidemic could involve charging swatters with attempted murder.

Parts of the anti-Trump and anti-conservative left, however, suffer from such derangement that legal consequences might not matter. After all, to an avowed Marxist, the ends always justify the means.

The FBI’s apparent lack of interest in arresting anti-Trump and anti-conservative swatters, however, constitutes this story’s most alarming aspect.

It is also the least surprising.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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