
MSNBC Host 'Shocked and Appalled' Her Kids Think for Themselves on COVID


I doubt you’d find many MSNBC hosts who would put up too much of a fit if their child were to decide his or her own gender — a medical and biological impossibility, but one that’s been leftist gospel so quickly that you’ll be canceled quicker than you can say “Dave Chappelle” if you question whether it can actually happen.

Allowing your child to choose whether he or she can choose to get a COVID booster? That’s a horse of a different color.

On Thursday, doing pinch-hitting duty by hosting “Morning Joe,” MSNBC’s Katty Kay outed her two children as booster refuseniks in an interview segment with Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel — brother of former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and a member of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Advisory Board.

“I had a strange conversation with my 22-year-old and my 16-year-old last night,” Kay said — which should have been a good sign that it was time to stop, given your kids are not supposed to be object lessons, but she plowed straight through that augury.

“I said, ‘OK, I booked you in for COVID updates, you’re both back for holidays, you’re going to get your boosters,'” she continued. “And both of them said, ‘No, we don’t want to. We’ve had enough vaccines and we don’t think we need them.'”

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Yes, in previous generations, the way to spark a family row over the holidays was to come out as gay. In 2022, it’s coming out as a thinking human being who’s in charge of your own medical decisions and can read outcome data.

“How can you — I was sort of shocked and appalled, but is this the kind of response you’re seeing from young people at the moment, that they just, they think this is over and they don’t need any more vaccines?” a flustered Kay asked Emanuel.

Emanuel, ever unaware that COVID scolds are thoroughly unhelpful, apparently thought nothing of Kay calling her kids out on air and gave an answer so boilerplate and mundane you could have given it, if you were paid enough money.

“We keep thinking vaccines are going to prevent getting COVID. They don’t prevent getting COVID,” Emanuel told Kay. “What they prevent is serious illness, hospitalization and death. And young people think they’re invincible — and yes, they are at lower risk from COVID, but that’s not zero risk.”

“You would think that the country would respond by saying, ‘OK, we’ll make sure we’re all up to date on all of our vaccines,'” Kay said at the outset.

Comply, America! Or you get shamed by your mom on TV!

Alas, most of us don’t have mothers with MSNBC jobs to name and shame us in front of whoever’s watching “Morning Joe” during Christmas break — so, according to the Daily Caller, only 5.5 percent of Americans between 18 and 24 have gotten a COVID booster, as per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. This is compared with 66 percent who got the shot originally.

However, that’s not the real point. It’s unusual I have to bring up — gah, even typing this is making me physically ill — but Susan Rice as an exemplar of good behavior.

Don’t get me wrong. Rice — former President Barack Obama’s national security advisor and the face of the administration’s initial lie that the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was an organic reaction to a silly YouTube video that insulted Muslims — is still a pretty detestable character.

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That being said, one of the more admirable qualities about Rice, now doing domestic policy adviser duty in the Biden White House, is how she talks about her son, John David Rice-Cameron.

Rice-Cameron gained attention because, as The Washington Post pointed out in a 2018 piece, he was “a Trump-loving Republican” who was vocal about his conservative politics while he was at Stanford.

Now, few adult parents would have profited as much from saying they were “shocked and appalled” by their child’s views — or at least giving a pointed “no comment” about them — than Rice, once a finalist in the Biden veepstakes.


Instead, in the Post piece, she was quoted as saying, “I love him very much and I’m very proud of him.” In 2020, before the election, she told NPR, “My son and I will have some robust disagreements over some matters of policy, not all. And yet, at the end of the day, you know, I love him dearly, and he loves me.”

Yes, even Susan Rice realizes that her son — gasp! — is entitled to his own opinion. For all of Rice’s perfidies, she’s never dragged him through the mud as an object lesson to score cheap points.

Far be it from me to tell you what is or isn’t good parenting. I will say this much, though: If Susan Rice is beating you in the not-trashing-your-kid-in-the-national-media department, do better.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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