
MSNBC Contributor: White Americans Don't Know Enough About Slavery, Reparations Could Solve That


Unfettered white-bashing is not only condoned by establishment media today but it’s encouraged, thanks to the numerous race-hustling grievance mongers whose careers depend on stoking racial division.

In the latest example, MSNBC analyst Mara Gay demonized all white people in an appearance Tuesday on “Morning Joe” by accusing them of being “very good at forgetting history” while discussing the 100th anniversary of a massacre of black people in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

In a farcical irony, Gay condemned whites for “forgetting” the incident as a massive chyron appeared under her image noting that America’s white president — Joe Biden — was visiting Tulsa on Monday to commemorate the tragedy.

Numerous Americans — including countless white people — tweeted about the incident over the weekend and on Monday, making it a top trending hashtag on the social network.

On June 1, 1921, a race war ignited in Tulsa amid allegations that a 19-year-old black man had assaulted a 17-year-old white girl in an elevator.

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The accusations stirred a white mob to burn down homes and businesses in Tulsa’s wealthy Greenwood district, which was dubbed the “Negro Wall Street,” according to the Equal Justice Initiative, a black-centric activist group.

According to official tallies, 39 people died in the Tulsa massacre, but unofficial estimates put the toll as high as 300.

“Of the 39 [confirmed deaths], 26 were African American and 13 were white,” the Tulsa World reported last year.

“However, two of those included a stillborn black child who seems to have been delivered before the massacre and an adult white male shot four days afterward by supposed ‘guards’ on the road between Tulsa and Sand Springs.”


Predictably, Gay invoked slavery to slam white people over the Tulsa massacre and foment white guilt before making a pitch for reparations.

Keep in mind that no white American alive today owned slaves, and no black American alive today was ever a slave.

“I think Americans — especially white Americans — but Americans in general, tend to be very good at forgetting history, but also tend to think that slavery was a very long time ago and that discrimination was a very long time ago,” Gay told MSNBC host Joe Scarborough.

“The reality is not — that’s just not the case.”

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Like other race-grifting grievance-mongers, Gay suggested that giving black Americans taxpayer-funded reparations would help them move forward.

“I think the way forward, of course, as a country together is to acknowledge this history before you move forward. It doesn’t mean you have to stay there forever,” she said.

“It means you need to acknowledge it, and you need to remedy the pain — whether it’s through reparations or other means — and then you can move on together.”

Like other liberals with pathological Trump Derangement Syndrome, Gay then took a swipe at former President Donald Trump.

“And that has to be part of our American story moving forward, or it will come back to haunt us in forms like Donald Trump and other ways that we haven’t even imagined,” she said.

The dicey issue of slavery reparations opens up a Pandora’s box when it comes to determining who pays and who gets paid.

For example, does former President Barack Obama pay himself reparations since he’s half-white and half-black?

What about people like Vice President Kamala Harris, the descendant of a prominent slave owner?

Civil rights activist Robert Woodson has repeatedly slammed the race-hustling left for infantilizing the black community and weaponizing white guilt to stir racial resentment.

Woodson said the slavery reparations hysteria has destroyed the civil rights movement and turned it into a race-grievance industry.

“I think it’s fool’s gold,” Woodson told Fox News host Tucker Carlson in 2019. “It demeans both whites and blacks. To black America, you can monetize ‘oppression.'”

Woodson said the notion of reparations sends a defeatist message to black Americans that they cannot achieve on their own and must constantly depend on white people to help them.

“The message to black America is somehow your destiny is determined by what white people do, what white people give you, and not what you’re able to do for yourself,” he explained.

Woodson also pointed out that black people also owned slaves.

The absurd reparations agenda also opens up a slippery slope about how payments would be determined.

For example, what about the whites who came to the United States long after slavery ended? Why would they have to pay when neither they nor their families owned slaves in America?

Since reparations would probably use tax dollars, why would Asian-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and other minorities have to pay into this extortion scheme?

What about the families of the hundreds of thousands of white soldiers who died fighting to end slavery during the Civil War? Aren’t they entitled to compensation for their sacrifices?

Gay is accusing white Americans of “forgetting history” even as she and other leftists blithely forget recent history — namely, the numerous Black Lives Matter riots in Democrat-run cities across the country.

Speaking of forgetting, Gay has apparently forgotten the countless racist attacks on Asian-Americans — perpetrated mostly by black Americans — in liberal cities across the U.S.

Using Gay’s logic of blaming all whites for the slave-owning past of a small percentage of white Americans, does that mean Asian-Americans are entitled to reparations from black Americans for the savage beatings they suffered at the hands of black assailants?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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