
Mitch McConnell Slams Dem Election Hypocrisy: 'Let's Not Have Any Lectures'


Mitch McConnell didn’t just take the Senate floor, he took on the whole hypocrisy of the mainstream media and the Democratic Party at the same time — and made them both so clear not even liberals had room to argue.

With the final outcome of the Nov. 3 presidential election still in dispute — President Donald Trump’s team is contesting crucial outcomes in key battlefield states — the Senate majority leader delivered a powerful reminder to the Democrats Monday about how they greeted the results of the 2016 vote.

And how they’ve behaved in the long years since.

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“Let’s not have any lectures. No lectures, about how the president should immediately, cheerfully, accept preliminary election results from the same characters who just spent four years refusing to accept the validity of the last election.

“And who insinuated that this one would be illegitimate, too, if they lost again, only if they lost.”

No American who was even half-awake for the past four years could fail to see McConnell’s point, but “let’s not have any lectures” puts it perfectly.

From the riots that struck Washington as Trump was inaugurated to the endless, media-fueled hysteria of the “Russia collusion” probe, to the ludicrous, Kafkaesque absurdity of the Democratic impeachment effort, the #Resistance never even made a show of accepting the legitimacy of the Trump presidency.


Yet the same Democratic lawmakers, the same self-important media outlets, are now expecting Trump and his tens of millions of supporters to simply accept as gospel the idea that Trump lost his re-election bid?

The examples of potential and actual fraud in the 2020 election are too numerous to ignore. Serious constitutional questions about counting ballots in the key state of Pennsylvania are still unresolved.

But Americans are supposed to accept the results as a fait accompli?

It’s nonsense, and McConnell called it out.

“The core principle here is not complicated,” McConnell said.

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“In the United States of America, all legal ballots must be counted, any illegal ballots must not be counted, the process should be transparent or observable by all sides, and the courts are here to work through concerns …

“President Trump is 100 percent within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities, and weigh his legal options.”

McConnell then noted the long dispute over the 2000 presidential election — the one Democrat Al Gore actually conceded on the morning after the voting, then decided to roll the dice on high-priced lawyers trying to flip Florida’s vote.

He recalled the 2004 election, when Democrats had doubts about their loss in Ohio, and the challenges to the 2016 election results by Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

He reminded the country of very public statements by Democratic leaders like former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstance”) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (the president “will lie, cheat and steal to win this election.”)

And with one stiletto-subtle slice, he dismissed the importance of mainstream media news networks projecting the winner of the most powerful position in the nation. (The Western Journal has refrained from making a projection yet.)

“Notably, the Constitution gives no role in this process to wealthy media corporations,” McConnell said.

“The projections and commentary of the press do not get veto power over the legal rights of any citizen, including the president of the United States.”

Those are words every American should remember — liberal or conservative.

No matter what the networks project, no matter how many liberals prematurely celebrate, the 2020 election isn’t over until the constitutional process is completed — in the Electoral College and in the courts.

All the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media isn’t going to change that — and Mitch McConnell just made that clear.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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