
Mike Huckabee: Biden Hasn't Done Anything To Help Your Family in 47 Years, Year 48 Will Be No Different


On Tuesday, voters will determine who will be president and who will control the Senate and the House of Representatives.

I think all of us will be glad for this long brutal campaign season to be over, but the consequences of this election are not minor. Each party has staked out diametrically opposed positions on pretty much everything. This is not like any election ever.

President Trump is admittedly abrasive, combative, at times vain and vulgar.

He became president having never held or even run for any political office. He has been disruptive to the political establishment and the genteel ways of Washington. He acted without regard to whose feelings he stepped on. He’s been like the doctor whose bedside manner was gruff, impatient and even rude, but it’s hard to objectively deny the positive results.

Joe Biden has been painted as the kindly old Uncle Joe, a bit rattled and unsure of where he was and what he was even running for and utterly confused about issues, since he’s taken both sides of many of them just in this campaign, like taxes, fracking for gas and oil, foreign policy, shutting down travel from China in the early days of the virus, and even whether your tax dollars ought to fund abortions.

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But he’s not Mr. Rogers! He challenged a veteran to a fistfight, called a voter a lying, dog-faced pony soldier, and uttered an unspeakable expletive into a microphone he didn’t know was live when he told President Obama how great Obamacare was.

In his 47 years in Washington can you name something he has done that made your family safer, your business more prosperous, or the world more secure? He wants us to believe that year 48 will be the one when he’ll show up with great ideas that he’s kept in his basement for the past 47.

The only job he’s ever had since he was in his 20s was a government job and he’s 77 years old. Yet somehow in the two years after leaving the office of vice president, he made $16 million dollars. Too bad he didn’t tell the rest of us how to do that.

But it’s not personalities we elect — it’s policies.


Do you own guns? Joe Biden has said he wants the government to take a bunch of them from you.

Do you believe that every human life, including those of unborn babies, has worth and value and should be protected? Joe Biden, despite being a Catholic, supports abortion at every stage of pregnancy up to the moment of birth, and after 40 years of saying taxpayers shouldn’t fund abortions, this year, he changed his mind and wants us all to pay for them.

He pushed for same-sex marriage long before the Extreme Court illegally decided we ought to have it despite the will of voters.

He favors the trade policies like NAFTA and China policies that robbed millions of Americans of their jobs so big global companies could rake in billions.

In one of the rare times when President Obama did something universally praised in ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Joe Biden actually opposed the operation — the only one in the Situation Room to do so. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates publicly said that Joe Biden was wrong on every single foreign policy for the past 40 years.

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He will raise your taxes and if he pushes his promised energy policies, America will go back to dependence on energy from foreign sources and the cost of driving your car or heating or cooling your home will soar.

President Trump lowered your taxes and put money in your pocket — an estimated $6500 for the average family before the virus hit. He stood up to China, stopped the nutty Iran deal, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, passed criminal justice reform that brought mercy and equity to the the over-incarcerated black population, funded the largest amount ever for historically black colleges and universities, secured our borders, appointed great justices to the Supreme Court, protected religious liberty and made efforts to protect unborn babies. He believes in the Second Amendment and your right to protect yourself and your family.

You have a choice, and it’s not about the personality of candidates. It’s about the principles of America, free enterprise, law and order and your family’s future.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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