
Megyn Kelly Tears Up Before Vowing to No Longer Use Preferred Pronouns


Citing instances of violence meted out to women who dare to defy what she called the “trans lobby that means to deprive women of their spaces and rights,” podcast host Megyn Kelly said on Friday that she is done using preferred pronouns.

During her podcast, she explained that for years she never saw harm in using whatever pronouns another person wanted.

Then she touched on the case of  Kellie-Jay Keen Minshull, who was doused with tomato juice and pelted by crowds during a visit to New Zealand, where she was speaking out about the transgender movement’s negative impact on women, according to the New York Post.

Kelly, a catch in her voice and tears in her eyes, then explained that she realized, “there is the harm. There’s the harm.”

Kelly recounted her history in the pronoun wars.

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“I was an early proponent of using preferred pronouns as far back as the early 2000s. Of saying ‘she’ when I knew the truth was ‘he.’ It seemed harmless, and I had no wish to cause offense. Trans people were tortured enough, it seemed to me, by nature of their dysphoria and society’s disdain for them in general. So I complied. I went along with it,” she said.

“I didn’t see the harm,” she said.

“I used approved terms like ‘gender affirming care’ for medicinal gender manipulations, ‘cis’ to refer to natural born women and men, ‘assigned male at birth’ instead of ‘born male,’” she said.


“I smiled and listened politely as a guest told me ‘gender is just a social construct.’ I wanted to be supportive of those who were suffering. I would use this more evolved language. I didn’t see the harm,” she said.

By 2020, she said, her views were evolving.

“Teenage girls in Connecticut were losing on the track to males — runners who had raced as boys the year before, then simply declared themselves female and dominated their new competitors. I had the female runners on the show, along with a trans medical physicist, who was also a former athlete, to explain the advantages to trans athletes, especially post-puberty.

“When I slipped and said the trans girls were ‘biological males,’ this person told me that was offensive. I explained that it was an attempt at clarity but began to re-think the language policing. Why did I have to deny reality in order to be polite? What I said was true and not offered to offend. But I wanted to be respectful. Was there any harm?”

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And now, she said it is time to stand up “to the men who grow their hair long, throw on a dress, pop on their TikTok filter and then threaten to kill us if we object to them coming into our private spaces; to the mutilation of our children by money-driven doctors and the rape of our imprisoned sisters and the theft of our medals and opportunities to win.”

“They say pronouns are a gateway drug. They open the door to these lies that lead to real harm to real females. They are a clever rhetorical trick that forces you to cede the argument about women’s spaces before you’ve even spoken one word of substance,” she said.

She said she will support sports categories for trans athletes, but no longer will she support men competing against women or teens being medically and surgically altered.

“I have resolved to base my conversations around gender on the same tenets that already govern my life: truth and reality. I will not use preferred pronouns, a decision motivated by a growing alarm over women’s rights and the safety of children,” she said.

“I will not take this gateway drug anymore. Because I have a daughter. Because I am a woman — an adult human female. Because for far too long, I failed to see the harm and therefore helped cause it,” she said, adding, “To the women and men who helped open my eyes, thank you.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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