
Megyn Kelly Takes Fauci Apart Piece-by-Piece in 'Good Riddance' Message for the Ages


Megyn Kelly never has been one to mince words — and when it comes to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s reign of error during the coronavirus pandemic, the former Fox News anchorwoman has plenty of them.

In what can only be described as a brutal takedown, Kelly on Wednesday devoted 18 minutes of her podcast, “The Megyn Kelly Show,” to pouring vitriol on the very public face of the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.

And while the commentary was spitting fire, she backed up every word.

An attorney by training and a veteran of television news, Kelly knows how to play to an audience. In a Twitter post published on Wednesday, she dropped a brief taste of what was coming.

In the Twitter video, she hit on an interview Fauci gave with CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday in which the soon-to-be-outgoing director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said he would deign to “consider” testifying before Congress if Republicans win a majority of the House or Senate in November’s midterm elections.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“But you’ve got to remember, I believe oversight is a very important part of government structure. And I welcome it. And it can be productive,” Fauci told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins. “But what has happened up until now is more of a character assassination than it is oversight.”

On Wednesday, Kelly wasn’t buying that — any more than any other sane, self-respecting American would.

“He sounds like he’s been invited to afternoon tea at one of our houses,” she said. “‘I will consider it.’

“He’ll consider it. But only if it’s oversight, because, ‘what I experienced was personal attacks. I would go if it’s …’

“F*** you, Dr. Fauci. You don’t get to say whether you’ll go. You get a congressional subpoena, you show up. Or you get the Steve Bannon treatment.”

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.


The segment was obviously chosen for its shock value — and not just because it referred to Bannon, the ally of former President Donald Trump who was convicted last week of contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the kangaroo committee “investigating” the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion.

The F-bomb doesn’t appear in the video available on YouTube – but the full video is, if anything, even worse for Fauci.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

In it, Kelly details his numerous, publicly documented lies during the coronavirus pandemic, from the efficacy of masks to rates of natural immunity, to Chinese lab work partially funded by the United States government that might have played a role in the birth of the disease that by Thursday had killed almost 6.5 million worldwide and more than a million in the United States.

The man has a lot of questions to answer.

Check out the monologue here. It’s all worth watching:

“The truth is that Dr. Fauci, who had a greater hand than anyone in causing Americans to lose their jobs, years of learning and even their lives thanks to the social and economic upheaval he helped force upon us during the pandemic, ought to be ashamed to show his face in polite society,” Kelly said, kicking off the production.

And it didn’t get kinder after that.

With video clips of Fauci in usually fawning interviews — God knows the man made himself ubiquitous in the media — and his combative moments on Capitol Hill — usually involving fellow physician Sen. Rand Paul — Kelly presented a devastating case for Americans to consider just how badly the American people were served by the institutions that are supposed to guard the country’s health.


Kelly hit hard on Fauci’s obvious hypocrisy on public gatherings when it came to the political motivations behind them.

“Such a Chatty Cathy when trying to arm-twist opinions on the origins of COVID,” Kelly said around the 10:30 mark of the video above. “But Fauci’s silence on other issues has been absolutely deafening.

“Like when millions broke his stay-at-home rules to jam the streets, elbow-to-elbow, for the BLM protests. Hmm. Nary a word.

“He also said nothing when storms of mourners broke quarantine to pay their respects to the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Or to celebrate Joe Biden’s win.”

“Those folks, you see, were doing good,” Kelly said, with savage sarcasm.

“Those who questioned Dr. Science and his approach to the pandemic? Evil.”

There was more, plenty more. There’s no doubt Kelly’s conclusions are shared by tens of millions of Americans — probably at least, say, 74 million or so.

And while Twitter was full awash in its usual leftist drivel, some of the social media reactions showed she’d clearly hit a nerve.

Kelly’s career has been largely off stage for several years now, after her 2017 departure from Fox News for NBC, a gig that lasted only two years but left her some $69 million richer. (It can’t be an easy life.)

And since her original audience base largely overlaps with the political base of former President Donald Trump, Kelly’s occasionally confrontational relationship with Trump going back to the Republican primaries of 2016 did not endear her to much of her viewing public.

But none of that matters when it comes to her treatment of Fauci. The government’s highest-paid bureaucrat, the man who dictated to Americans with the slavish assistance of Democrats and the mainstream media, is finally leaving the government in December, and he deserves a sendoff worthy of the occasion.

On Wednesday, Kelly gave it to him. And as usual, she wasn’t mincing words.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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