
Only Matter of Time Before Terror Attack Happens in US: Former Head of CBP


With the attacks on Israel again emerging as a worldwide threat to all Jews in all nations, a former Customs and Border Protection chief has delivered an ominous warning that Hamas and other Islamic jihadists are already here in the U.S.A. waiting to strike thanks to President Joe Biden’s wide-open border crisis.

The world watched in horror on Oct. 7. when Hamas terrorists broke through the barrier walls between Gaza and Southern Israel and mercilessly struck civilians, killing hundreds. Perhaps worse, the Hamas terrorists also captured, tortured, and raped innocent civilians. Then kidnapped hundreds, dragging them back into their holes in Gaza. These monsters even murdered and beheaded infants in their cribs.

But, it couldn’t happen here in America, right?

If the horrendous day on Sept. 11, 2001, didn’t disabuse you of that notion, nothing will.

It most certainly can happen here. And as far as former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan is concerned, an attack may even be “imminent.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“Nobody in their right mind can say that our border is secure,” Morgan told The Epoch Times on Monday.

“The same terrorists that just carried out this horrific attack in Israel — their hatred and their unwavering commitment … to do harm to the United States, is alive and well,” Morgan, who was in his position at CBP during the Trump years, insisted.

Indeed, thanks to Biden’s disastrous policies, the Department of Homeland Security has announced that more than 659 known suspected terrorists have been caught entering the U.S.

“In fiscal 2023, 659 known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) were apprehended attempting to illegally enter the U.S. — with the majority being apprehended at the northern border, according to CBP data last updated Sept. 15. The fiscal year ended Sept. 30,” Just the News Reported on Oct. 10.


But these numbers are only what the government knows about. DHS estimates there are up to 1.7 million “gotaways” who were not apprehended or identified and that may include an untold number of KSTs.

Morgan said that it seems undeniable that terrorists have already slipped across the border and are here among us, and they have devious plans.

“It’s coming. It’s coming. No one can predict, but what I will say is, there could already be a cell in the United States planning the next terrorist attack, and we would have no idea,” Morgan insisted. “That’s a fair statement; that’s not hyperbolic.”

Still, the FBI — as useless as it has proven to be — said it has no evidence of any “specific and credible intelligence indicating a threat to the United States stemming from the Hamas attacks.”

Of course, the FBI and the rest of Biden’s security services are far more concerned with trying to arrest MAGA supporters and targeting Trump, so their word is suspect, regardless.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Morgan pointed to the thousands of reputed Americans seen parading around college campuses and big, blue cities proclaiming their support for the Hamas terrorists, so, we have enough homegrown terrorists even without foreign operatives sneaking across the border.

“We have people in our own country that are actually supporting Hamas, supporting the actions of babies being decapitated, of being burned alive, of women being savagely raped and videotaped,” Morgan told Epoch Times.

“When you have this deep-rooted, irrational ideology, to be inspired to move to radicalization, then action can be very quick. Generally, it takes an event — and we have that now,” he added.

Morgan also blasted Biden’s act of allowing our “compassion to be hijacked” as we have left ourselves vulnerable to infiltration by our worst enemies.

“We have just decided as a country, if somebody illegally enters our borders, in violation of our nation’s sovereignty, in violation of the rule of law, we have said that because we have a moral obligation to help ‘those in need,’ we have allowed our compassion to be hijacked,” Morgan said. “And we have stuck our heads in the sand with any potential negative downstream impacts to our nation’s safety and national security.”

Ultimately, Morgan said one way to return to sanity is to have DHS and the other intelligence services begin conducting detailed interviews with the special-interest aliens to determine if they are bringing hate for this country in with their migration.

“We just want to make sure that [they’re] not sharing in the [terrorist’s] ideology. That is reasonable. That is rational,” he concluded.

The world is in chaos right now and our country is a juicy target for radical Islamic terrorists — not to mention China, North Korea, and Russia.

Yet even as a target has been placed on all of us, Biden has given our enemies the perfect way to enter our country undetected. And if the terror attack that Morgan is ruing occurs, American blood will be on Biden’s hands.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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