
Matt Gaetz Suggests That Democrats Are Attempting to Take Out Biden - He Explains How


Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz offered his take on the discovery of unclassified documents by President Joe Biden’s lawyers in an office at the Penn-Biden Center he had used after leaving the White House in 2017, in the garage of his Wilmington, Delaware, residence, and inside the home.

He told Fox News Digital on Wednesday, “There’s an element to this that feels like the Democrats are taking out Joe Biden.”

“I don’t know that that’s the case, but I don’t know that it’s not,” Gaetz said. “But just as Joe Biden is hardening the cement around his decision to run for president again, they start looking for what classified documents might have been tucked away eight years ago.”

We learned last week that the first batch had been found on Nov. 2 and the second batch on Dec. 20, according to a timeline published by the Associated Press. And at least one additional classified document turned up inside the residence last week.

Before we knew it, Attorney General Merrick Garland had appointed a special counsel to take over the investigation from U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch Jr.

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Gaetz continued, “I mean, there’s an element of this where it’s Joe Biden’s lawyer who turns this information over, it’s Joe Biden’s own Justice Department that’s appointed a special counsel to investigate him — maybe the Democrats have realized that Joe Biden is not useful to them anymore, and they just as soon toss him out and get a younger crop of candidates engaged in the next presidential race.”

He pointed to reports that unnamed Chinese nationals had made significant donations to the University of Pennsylvania, the sponsor of the Penn Biden Center, and worried about a potential connection. In April 2022, The New York Post reported that Chinese donations to the university totaled $54 million.

“We have a lot to learn about the content and substance of those documents, and if they relate to China, and if they were at that Biden Center at UPenn funded by China,” Gaetz said. “That’s going to be a far more grave concern.”

“What if the documents relate to our economy?” he asked. “What if Joe Biden was hustling information to his CCP funders at the Biden Center for UPenn and that gave China economic advantage over Americans? That would create a nexus between those documents and our economic woes at the hands of rising China. I don’t know because I don’t know what the documents pertain to, but documents in and of themselves don’t seem to have an obvious connection to the quality of life of my constituents, in the absence of understanding their content and context.”


He noted that his constituents aren’t overly concerned about this brewing scandal yet, because it doesn’t really affect them. He told Fox, “I haven’t been frothing at the mouth over the mere existence of some documents in a garage in Delaware. You know, I believe Americans are more worried about the weaponization of government against them than they are, you know, what papers Joe Biden stuffed in [the] glove box of his Corvette.”

“If the documents pertain to China and were at a repository funded by China, one could reasonably assess that the scandal runs deeper and would have a real damaging effect on our country,” he said. “If they are mementos or, you know, documents that have far outlived any sort of functional relevance quite some time ago, then I think that’s different.”

Gaetz is right to question the Democrats’ motives. Very little has added up.

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First, it was odd that Biden’s top lawyers were personally searching his old office. And second, it was surprising that they would immediately alert the National Archives and Records Administration. After all, knowing the media firestorm that would surely ensue, why wouldn’t his personal attorneys, who ostensibly had their client’s best interests in mind, quietly settle the matter on their own?

I’m not saying it would have been right to bypass NARA officials, but since when have the Democrats worried about playing by the rules?

It all feels very contrived. As far as Biden’s alleged transgressions go, the discovery of a handful of misplaced documents seems the least of them. And if that’s true, there must be a reason. It could very well be that his party wants to prevent him from running for re-election.

In a December 2020 podcast, just two months prior to his death, Rush Limbaugh warned Biden the “regime” could one day turn on him. He told listeners that Biden would “serve at the pleasure of Barack Obama. If Obama gives the green light to Democrats to take Biden out, there will be ample evidence that Biden has lied about his knowledge, his family was selling his name and office with his permission. …”

Fox News contributor Dan Bongino, who worked as a secret service agent during the Obama administration, provided some interesting insight into this story. In the clip below, he questioned whether this was “a sabotage hit job by Democrats who want Joe Biden out of the race? Which is likely, right? Or was this an effort to cover up mistakes Joe Biden made that may be illegal, unlawful, and illicit?”

He asked his Fox colleagues, “You don’t find it a little bit suspicious that lawyers deeply connected to Barack Obama [a reference to Dana Remus in particular], who’s got a long ongoing feud with Biden? They do. Don’t let anyone, I worked in the White House. These two men really do not like each other. Obama always thought Biden was a buffoon and Biden was always jealous of Obama. That’s why he’s doing the whole, ‘I’m the new FDR’ thing now.”

Until we learn more details, all we can do is speculate.

But one thing is undeniable. It sucked the oxygen out of the House Republicans’ speakership battle in about a nanosecond.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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