
Man Who Allegedly Said He 'Felt Compelled' To Stab a White Male Suspected of Beating White Cellmate to Death


A black man who was arrested two weeks ago for allegedly stabbing a white retail worker in Georgia because he “felt compelled to go stab a white male” is now a suspect in the killing of his white cellmate.

Jayvon Hatchett, 19, was arrested and charged late last month in Columbus, Georgia, after police said he stabbed an AutoZone employee in the neck multiple times.

WLTZ-TV reported that Columbus police said the violent stabbing was random, but the man was motivated by a desire to kill a white man after he watched videos online showing police officers shooting suspects during violent confrontations.

Hatchett allegedly decided to fight perceived police brutality by going into the auto parts store and killing a random white male employee.

The 19-year-old gleefully confessed the attack to an investigator, according to Columbus police.

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“Mr. Hatchett told me that he had been watching Facebook videos of police shootings in other parts of the country and that he felt compelled to go stab a white male,” the arresting officer, Sgt. Ray Mills, testified.

The victim of the attack survived, but now Hatchett has allegedly succeeded in killing a white man.

On Saturday morning at the Muscogee County Jail, Hatchett’s cellmate was beaten to death, and the man who reportedly told police he wanted to kill a white male is the suspected killer, The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reported.

The body of 39-year-old Eddie Nelson was discovered around 2:30 a.m.


Nelson was white, so we can only speculate as to the motive of the alleged killing.

The victim’s mother seems to have a theory.

“I have a question for the sheriff,” she told WLTZ-TV. “Why? Why did you put my son and that other man in there together? Why?

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“Can you answer me that? I lost a son because of y’all’s negligence.”


If Hatchett’s initial alleged crimes were racially motivated, as authorities say, the death of Nelson was a terribly predictable outcome.

By his own account, per police, Hatchett was driven solely to harm a white person at random. The case is under investigation.

It’s probably safe to speculate that leading up to the initial crime Hatchett is accused of committing, he didn’t come to the conclusion that killing a white male was the right thing to do on his own.

Many sick people, and especially mentally imbalanced people with propensities toward violence, watch TV news and pay attention to social media, too.

The message for those unable to see through the fog of the left’s war on truth is that police officers and white people are solely responsible for the ills of the world.

Democrats and the establishment media have fomented hatred and racial division for years.

Even before May 25, when George Floyd died while in Minneapolis police custody, every violent altercation involving a police officer and a racial minority was magnified, regardless of the details of each situation.

In the eyes of the establishment media, which subtly feeds people like Hatchett misinformation online, it appears no police shooting is ever justified.

To make the country’s racial tensions worse, black suspected criminals who are shot by police are sometimes lionized by Democrats before the facts are clear.

Sen. Kamla Harris, for example, told Jacob Blake she was “proud” of him when the two recently spoke, Blake’s lawyers said.

Blake was shot in the back multiple times during an altercation where he appeared to be noncompliant with police officers last month in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Harris, who made the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh hell as the spear of the #MeToo movement in 2018 based on flimsy allegations, was apparently unbothered by the fact that Blake is accused of criminal trespassing, sexual assault and disorderly conduct based on complaints by police and his former girlfriend, CNN reported.

We probably wouldn’t even know Blake’s name had he not been black when he was shot while appearing to ignore the commands of police officers and reaching into a vehicle with multiple guns drawn on him. Police said a knife was found on the floorboard.

But politicians such as Harris have assisted the establishment media in creating an environment where there is no longer due process and pushing a false narrative that being black is a death sentence.

Blake deserves his day in court, as do officers who are faced with difficult decisions while on the job.

But none of that matters to race-baiters and politicians seeking election.

Those who are derelict in their moral obligation to help preserve the bedrock principle of due process choose time and again to prioritize false racial narratives over truth.

The result, it appears, is an environment where apparently imbalanced or evil people feel emboldened, if not righteous, when they single out and attack people from other groups.

If Hatchett is convicted in the jailhouse killing and the motive is racial, there is plenty of blame to go around.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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