
Major Florida Newspaper Openly Complains About 'Personal Rights' Under DeSantis' Leadership, Endorses 'Moderate' Charlie Crist


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

These words are more than just the preamble of the Declaration of Independence — they represent the core tenets our nation was founded to protect.

Evidently, not all Americans today agree with these founding ideals.

As Fox News noted Saturday, the Miami Herald editorial board argued last month that “Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Florida is a place of meanness. It’s a place where dissent is muzzled, where personal rights triumph over the greater good, where winning is more important than unity.”

According to the Herald editors, it seems, “meanness” and personal liberty are sins that have to give way to buzzwords like “unity” and “the greater good.”

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Ironically, the statement did as much to praise DeSantis as tar and feather him.

“While denigrating teachers at traditional public schools, for instance, the governor guaranteed $500 million to raise the minimum teacher salary and provide raises for veteran teachers and other instructional personnel; secured the highest-ever per-pupil spending totals at $7,793 per student; replaced standardized tests in schools; invested more than $124 million for Florida’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities; and gave parents an outsize voice in their children’s education — just one skirmish in his culture wars,” the statement continued.

It almost seems like parody to praise DeSantis for so many educational contributions but chide him for involving parents in their children’s education.

Meanwhile, DeSantis’ opponent is Democrat Charlie Crist, a former Republican governor, a former Democratic congressman, a former independent candidate for Senate (who lost to now-Sen. Marco Rubio in 2010) and a former Democratic candidate for governor (who lost to now-Sen. Rick Scott in 2014).

On Crist’s own campaign website he claims he wants to “listen to and respect parents.”

Careful, Charlie, or you’ll earn the ire of the Miami Herald.

Major outlets like the Herald are so out of touch that it seems they really believe they represent the average American.

The paper argued, as Fox reported, that “no matter how much Republicans try to paint Crist as a leftist or socialist, he’s not.”

“Instead, he’s that rarely seen breed in the Florida politics of today: a moderate.”

Right. Crist is a “moderate” who pushes for abortion protection, a radical LGBT agenda, and taking guns away from law-abiding Floridians.

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He’s a “moderate” whose plan for increasing energy availability includes banning fracking and natural gas.

That all appeals to the liberal media, of course. The Crist campaign boasts that has earned the endorsements of major Florida newspapers besides the Miami Herald like the Tampa Bay Times, the Orlando Sentinel, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel and the Palm Beach Post.

The Tampa Bay Times even called DeSantis a “bully,” as Fox News noted.


Those newspapers don’t reflect the opinions of voters.

Instead, it seems that, thankfully, average Floridians have embraced the allegedly “mean” candidate who protects their personal liberties and has produced actual results, as DeSantis has close to a 12-point advantage, according to RealClearPolitics’ polling average.

In times like these, holding on to the values our nation was founded on is more important than ever before, and if there was one thing our Founders were known for, it is “meanness” when meanness was necessary.

When it came to standing up to the tyranny of the British Empire in the late 18th century, it was that meanness that made a new nation possible.

In today’s world, it’s the meanness necessary to stand up for personal freedoms against tyrants who value “unity” more than liberty — including the editors of the Miami Herald.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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