
MAGA Crowd Outside of Walter Reed Surprised with Shipment of Pizza from Mystery Buyer


President Donald Trump has no doubt received countless prayers and messages wishing him well since he announced on Friday morning that he and first lady Melania had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Trump is a president who adores and connects with his base in a way no other leader has or does.

That warm feeling is reciprocated by millions who, in return, adore the man they know is in Washington to fight for the issues which concern them.

There is also a kind of bond between supporters of the president, which transcends the boundaries of ethnicity, faith and other personal factors.

The movement created by Trump has united millions of Americans.

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That special relationship was on display Friday evening in Bethesda, Maryland, where Trump was on the mend after he was flown to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center earlier in the evening.

A mini-Trump rally quickly popped up outside of the hospital, where supporters of the president created a presence to let Trump and others know they cared.


Trump noticed.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows came out onto the street to pass out chocolate kisses, Fox News host Laura Ingraham reported on her program.

One America News Network reporter Jack Posobiec, who was with the Trump supporters, shared several moments of levity outside of the facility where the president was hospitalized at the advice of his personal physician, Dr. Sean Conley.

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Video from Posbiec shows Meadows interacting with the Trump supporters.

“How’s the president doing,” a person asked Meadows.

“He’s doing well, he’s in good spirits, he loves America,” Meadows responded.

But the kind-natured gestures weren’t finished.

According to Posobiec, someone on the other side of the country, reportedly all the way in California, noticed the gathering and decided to order food for the Trump supporters.

“Someone from California ordered Dominos for everyone at the Walter Reed MAGA flash mob,” Posobiec tweeted.

The person behind the massive food delivery was not named, but the apparent gesture is proof that despite the current chaotic atmosphere, there are still good people in the world who are willing to go the extra mile for others.

The giver may have inspired people, as more food kept showing up, Posobiec said:

The so-called “Walter Reed MAGA flash mob” continued to support the president from outside of the hospital until early on Saturday morning.

There were a number of anti-Trump agitators who made their presence known at the gathering:

However, the support and charity showed by Trump’s staff and people across the nation overpowered the hate in the hearts of others who couldn’t see past their own personal feelings of hostility — despite the fact that their president had been hospitalized.

The all-around kindness is indicative of the political and cultural movement Trump has created.

The gathering was overwhelmingly a love fest.

People showed up to support their president, and others reportedly did what they could do to spread positivity to those whose physical presence outside of Walter Reed inspired them.

Trump’s base of supporters are behind him, just as he is behind them and people around the country see it.

In these strange times in American history, when tribalism and political divisions often conquer basic decency, it’s nice to have a reminder that humanity, charity and goodwill can prevail.

Trump’s MAGA movement has always been overwhelmingly motivated by love.

That was on full display in Maryland on Friday.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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