
Louisiana AG Confirms 2020 Election Fears, Declares Zuck's Entire Motive Was to Fix Election for Biden


This article was sponsored by Citizens United Productions.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, spent more than $400 million on the 2020 election, and they said they did so to promote safe elections during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said there is much more to the story than that.

“Rigged” is a new bombshell documentary that exposes Zuckerberg’s entire plot to assist Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. It is out now, and you can get your copy here for just $4.99.

In an interview with The Western Journal, Landry said he launched an investigation as soon as he heard Zuckerberg was trying to funnel money into Louisiana through a group called the Center for Tech and Civic Life.

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After he learned about the details of CTCL’s grant applications in September 2020, the attorney general said, he knew they were “contrary to what we believed the law was in Louisiana.”

“We believed that the ability to inject direct money into our election system was prohibited,” he said.

Landry and his office decided to sue the center in October 2020 because it refused to stop offering money to Democratic parishes in Louisiana. While they received an unfavorable opinion initially, they appealed it, and the case is ongoing.

The lawsuit prevented most of the CTCL money from making its way into Louisiana, which Landry said was a major victory.


“That suit had a chilling effect in Louisiana, which we were very excited about, we were glad to see, because that money was being spent predominantly in Democratic strongholds in this state,” he said.

As a result, Louisiana did not see its elections tainted by Zuckerberg’s money, and then-President Donald Trump ended up winning the state. Sadly, some other states were not so successful in stopping the money.

If you want to see the effect Zuckerberg’s money had on the 2020 election, buy “Rigged” today right here.

For example, an investigation by former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman found Zuckerberg gave more than $8 million to the five largest Democratic cities in that state.

In an April 12 opinion article for The Washington Times, Citizens United President David Bossie said Zuckerberg spent $5.1 million in the critical swing state of Arizona, and 76 percent of that money went to crucial counties Biden won.

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“[Gableman] issued a 150-page scathing report, of which I read, and anyone who reads that report — you don’t even really have to read the whole report, you can read the beginning and the end — you can come to the conclusion that Zuckerberg’s entire idea behind this, the whole motive behind what he did, was to basically put his thumb on the scale in support of Joe Biden,” Landry said.

Despite Zuckerberg’s promises, most of his money did not go to COVID-19 safety measures. Landry said he has little doubt Zuckerberg “basically rigged the 2020 election.”

If you want to learn exactly how Zuckerberg tipped the scales in favor of Biden in 2020, get “Rigged” here today.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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