
Leftist Prof Calls for Cops To Be 'Strangled with the Intestines of the Last Capitalist'


Many young people have taken to America’s streets and committed unthinkable acts of violence amid the country’s four months of civil unrest.

When you take a look at some of the educators responsible for teaching our students, it’s no surprise so many wayward youths have turned to violence.

Take leftist philosophy professor Nathan Jun at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas, for example.

Last week, Jun took to Facebook to call for the murder of the country’s police officers, and he opined that their deaths should be carried out in a brutal and violent fashion.

“I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician,” Jun wrote on social media, according to KFDX-TV.

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The Sept. 25 post was made by a professor who teaches courses such as “Ethics” and “Introduction to Philosophy,” according to his official university bio page.

Despite the shocking post, though, Jun was not reprimanded by the school, and in fact, he was tacitly praised by administrators at MSU.

The school released a statement to KFDX-TV:

“As a public university, we recognize and protect individuals’ free speech rights under the First Amendment so that ideas and information may be freely exchanged and examined without the threat of censorship or retaliation,” the school said.


“Occasionally individuals will express opinions that may be offensive and even shocking, but are nonetheless entitled to First Amendment protection. When our faculty members speak or write as citizens within the confines of the law, they are free from institutional censorship or discipline.”

“Though we take advantage of every opportunity to encourage all members of the campus community to express their opinions in a civil, respectful manner, we view avoidance of censorship as an important part of maintaining the culture of diversity of opinion and academic freedom that is so important to our role as a public university,” the school concluded.

While the school did not come down on Jun, apparently the public has.

The post was deleted, along with Jun’s social media presence.

But the scary thing is that someone with these kinds of violent fantasies is still teaching kids in Texas.

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Jun was not let go, set straight to otherwise reprimanded, as far as we can tell.

The professor with homicidal ideations about cops and capitalists did release a statement to KFDX in which he more or less shrugged off the controversy and the death threats he says he’s received since publicly fantasizing about the intestinal lynchings of cops.

Jun actually played the role of victim, claiming his life had been threatened and his home had been vandalized.

“There’s no way that I can make those sorts of expressions publicly around here without this kind of thing happening again and again and again and again. I’m just tired of it,” Jun told the outlet.

The professor added he feels obligated by his job to “speak out fearlessly and unapologetically on matters of public concern according to the dictates of my [conscience].”

“I do long to live in a world in which we no longer have cops, which we no longer have capitalists and which we no longer have politicians. Because those are my political beliefs and I own them and I make no apologies for those beliefs.”

During B-roll footage shared by the TV station, Jun wore a shirt associated with the radical left group antifa and also affiliated himself with the Black Lives Matter movement.

God help the future of America.

A cavalier attitude regarding violence is growing more prevalent in the country, as evidenced by more than four months of rioting, looting and ambushes on police officers.

With teachers like Jun, some of the young people perpetuating the violence apparently never stood a chance.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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