
Leftist Congresswoman Uses Campaign Cash for Fence Around Her Home, But Remember What She Said About Trump's Border Wall


Left-wing hypocrisy is once again on full display.

On Wednesday, the Seattle Times reported that Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a progressive Democrat from Washington State, had spent $45,000 on a security fence around her home, with the money coming from campaign contributions.

Jayapal, who represents Washington’s 7th district, said the fence was needed after threats were made against her life and a man with a gun showed up at her home.

“I’ve had threats against my life, including a man showing up with a gun at my door, and I never in a million years thought that I would need to take such strong steps to protect my safety and security just to be able to do my job, the job that people elected me to do,” Jayapal said.

In 2022, a Seattle resident named Brett Forsell was arrested in front of the congresswoman’s house with a loaded .40-caliber handgun. In July, Forsell pleaded guilty to misdemeanor stalking and was sentenced to 364 days in jail. He has additionally been ordered to have no contact with Jayapal and has been banned from owning firearms for eight years.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

This, apparently, was the incident that led Rep. Jayapal to build an expensive security fence around her home.

While there is nothing wrong with the congresswoman having a fence to protect herself and her property, unfortunately, her words from years ago have come back to haunt her.

In a 2017 Twitter rant, when she criticized then-President Trump’s immigration policies, she described border walls as “racist.”


“Trump’s racist agenda still looms large: Border walls, deportations, white nationalist dog whistles. We have work to do,” she wrote.

However, now that the news has broken that Jayapal wants a wall to keep intruders out of her home, people are noticing the rank hypocrisy on this issue.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Apparently, walls are only racist if they are built on the southern border. If a leftist lawmaker builds one to keep their families safe from crime, that is perfectly fine.

There really is no way to escape the hypocrisy here.

The United States needs some sort of barrier on its southern border in order to keep illegal immigration under control and to ensure the integrity of its borders.

The surge in illegal immigration under the Biden administration has put communities along the border in danger as criminals take advantage of the chaos to sneak into the country.

If a congresswoman has the right to build a fence around her home to defend herself, the American people have a right to expect some sort of security at the southern border to keep them safe.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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