
Leading Mobile Phone Provider Flies Pro-Israel Sky Banners Nationwide


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With so many major corporations bending over backwards to placate the whims of the woke mob, it has always been refreshing to see a corporation that actually stands up for what’s right.

Patriot Mobile, the self-proclaimed “only Christian conservative wireless provider” in the nation, with its recent demonstrations, has become one of those rare corporations.

Ever since the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7, Patriot Mobile has publicly supported Israel in the face of the opposition coming from both extreme leftists and the fringes of the right.

The company cosponsored the “Fort Worth Stands with Israel March and Prayer Rally” on Nov. 5, as well as several other similar rallies in the Texas area from October through May, according to Yahoo News.

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Now, Patriot Mobile has ramped up their efforts to publicly support Israel by flying banners with pro-Israel messages over many of the universities plagued with anti-Israel protests.

They began with the originator of these protests, Columbia University in New York City. Last month, Patriot Mobile flew a sky banner from a plane over the school, which read, “God Bless Israel.”

The wireless provider has plans to fly similar banners over other universities held captive by these hateful, pro-Hamas protests, such as the University of California Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, University of Texas Austin, Harvard University and Boston College.

The Dallas Express quoted Patriot Mobile CEO Glenn Story as saying, “We want to encourage our Jewish students to let them know that Christians across this country support them and that we stand with Israel. Anti-Semitism has no place in America, and we stand against this hate.”

The company shared the same message on their Instagram, as well as their intention to continue this endeavor.


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Patriot Mobile Chief Communications Officer Leigh Wambsganss concurred with the CEO’s stance, adding that she believed, “This is a spiritual war, not a political one. The rise in anti-Semitism in this country is revealing the radical left’s deep hatred and racism.”

Both Wambsganss and Story had a great point.

While there was never any need for America to go and fight other countries’ wars, the treatment Israel has received from the United States has been nothing short of appalling.

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Both House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi have called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign, and President Joe Biden himself has tried to restrain Israel from defending itself from a violent terrorist group.

And all of this has only encouraged misinformed college students who have taken to burning the flag, defacing monuments, beating up Jewish students, and barricading themselves in libraries.

For the Jewish students in schools like Columbia, where they were counseled to go home for their own safety, the sight of a banner proudly proclaiming “God Bless Israel” must have been an encouraging sight.

The sentiment was not just pro-Israel, but pro-American.


Anti-Semitism has no place in American culture.

Patriot Mobile has been incredibly brave, then, in supporting Israel and advocating for pro-American values.

If more corporations understood what most Americans really wanted, instead of catering to the vocal minority of radical leftists, maybe then we’d have more corporations championing American values instead of destructive woke nonsense.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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