
Lauren Boebert Comes Up with Simple Solution to Find Out Who Brought Cocaine Into White House


“No one is above the law,” is a statement we’ve been hearing a lot lately regarding former President Donald Trump.

If that’s true, shouldn’t it also apply to the current president and his family?

Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado seems to think so.

The congresswoman recently came up with a unique idea to figure out who brought cocaine into the White House — one of our nation’s most protected and important buildings.

“So let me get this straight, the White House is refusing to say whether the cocaine culprit will be arrested?” Rep. Boebert tweeted. “Well, I think we should drug test EVERYONE, including Joe Biden, until we know who smuggled illegal drugs into the White House.”

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While this may sound a little extreme to some, it seems like the logical solution to figure out who, among a very small pool of people, was responsible for the bag of cocaine found in the White House.

Based on the latest available information, the bag was discovered in a highly secure area of the White House, specifically in close proximity to the Situation Room and the parking spot designated for Vice President Harris’ vehicle.


This location significantly reduces the likelihood that the drugs were brought in by a casual visitor, highlighting the need to focus on individuals with authorized access to that area.

Another crucial piece of information is that the family was present at the White House the weekend the drugs were found. This detail introduces the possibility that a member of the family or senior staff might have been involved in bringing the illicit substance onto the premises.

Given these factors, conducting a thorough investigation to identify the responsible party becomes crucial.

If the comprehensive security system, including surveillance cameras, access logs, and other measures, somehow fails to point out the guilty party, Rep. Boebert’s solution may just be the last, best resort.

Additionally, Hunter Biden just agreed to a plea deal on two federal misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his taxes and a separate felony gun possession charge for owning a firearm despite knowing he was an unlawful user of and addicted to a controlled substance.

According to the New York Times, a deal was hashed out with a federal prosecutor in which Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his 2017 and 2018 taxes on time and be sentenced to probation.

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As per the Justice Department, Hunter Biden was charged in relation to his purchase of a handgun in 2018, which occurred during a period when he was reportedly using drugs. But the Justice Department made a decision not to pursue prosecution against Hunter Biden in this matter. Instead, a pretrial diversion agreement has been reached, which essentially means that Hunter Biden will not face legal action for the handgun purchase.

However, the New York Times reported, “The deal is contingent on Mr. Biden remaining drug-free for 24 months.”

It hasn’t even been 24 days.

Since drugs have been found in the place where Hunter Biden resides, shouldn’t he be tested to see if the plea deal will still stand?

Wouldn’t that be standard procedure for anyone whose last name wasn’t Biden?

As the Democrats keep saying, “No one is above the law.”

They have the opportunity now to show that they mean it by demanding that the Bidens, or at the very least Hunter Biden, get drug tested.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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