Latest Leaked Video of Tucker Carlson Exposes How He Really Treats His Staff
If you’ve watched Tucker Carlson, you know he’s skillful with words.
Even — perhaps especially — in stream-of-consciousness adlibbing, Carlson can be amazing in stringing together compelling verbal pictures that can be hilarious and pointedly instructive at the same time.
He’s very talented.
Also, when not coming into your living room via television, the former Fox News host can be brutal in descriptions he embeds in vulgarity.
Left-wing Media Matters, apparently trying to attack Carlson, has been leaking video underscoring his off-camera crudities.
Media Matters presumably thinks Carlson’s bad language will prompt his more religious or personally conservative fans to turn on him.
Like so many leftists, they don’t understand the other half of the population with whom they occupy the country.
While many of us eschew vulgar language, our workplaces, softball teams, coffee shops and more can be awash with it. And we swim in those same streams, perhaps holding our breath as we go.
Below is a video of Carlson, probably taken off a still-connected satellite feed after his Fox program has gone off the air. He’s wiping television makeup off his face and staffers are helping him disconnect himself from various wiring used in the telecast.
He’s interacting with the crew or someone on it, apparently discussing the grueling 10-hour session — presumably a deposition — with a lawyer for Dominion Voting Systems, with whom Fox settled a massive lawsuit over opinions expressed by Fox hosts.
At The Western Journal, we always give a blaring warning about audio-visual material containing bad language. Since Carlson is really wound up on this one, I’m going to blare even more:
WARNING: The video below contains really, really vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive. Really vulgar! You have been warned.
That said, Carlson’s language is not the real reveal in the video.
The real picture is of the respectful way in which he treats the television crew, even when he is boiling mad.
That’s in light of an effort to paint him as a bad boss, engaged in “systemic lying, bullying, and conspiracy-mongering,” according to an NPR quote of a lawyer for former Carlson producer Abby Grossberg, who is suing Carlson for sexism and harassment.
In the video, as Carlson is venting about his experience with the Dominion lawyer, each time a staffer helps Carlson with something, as in aiding him disengage from the set as they probably have done hundreds of times, Carlson interjects into his rant a thank-you for each helping action and includes the person’s name.
Says Carlson, grousing about the lawyer: “…That slimy little m*********er sitting across from me — oh [as a female assistant hands him a cloth to wipe off his makeup] You’re the best.”
Making a mock grimace toward the assistant: “And I wasn’t talking about you. It’s just the opposite.”
“You’re gonna give me a complex,” the off-camera woman joked.
“No, I’m not,” Carlson responded, as the grimace melts into a slight smile. “Cause you’ve never been this affirmed in your life?”
His face covered as he is wiping off makeup and apparently still speaking to the same assistant, Carlson said: “Thank you, Alex. Have a happy weekend.”
As he’s aided by more staffers, Carlson continued his rant: “It was so unhealthy, the hate — thank you, Theresa — the hate that I felt for that — thank you, Todd.”
And so it went, discussing with an off-camera man, Carlson expressing his attitude toward the lawyer and trying to squelch his own feelings of hatred.
We’ve got a new FoxLeak.
In this behind-the-scenes video, Tucker Carlson talks about how he was “triggered” by Dominion’s lawyer, who he calls a “slimy motherfucker,” during his deposition.
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) May 3, 2023
Attempting an attack, Media Matters shows a video of Carlson expressing hostility and vulgarity.
But the video also shows a man who, except for the choice of words, seems very similar to the personality we see on television.
He is kind, he is animated (even in the Media Matters video launching into that goofy giggle he has), and despite recounting a terrible professional experience and his attempts to control his emotions over it, he personally remembers to express gratitude for each relatively minute, repetitive action taken for him.
It’s no wonder affection and respect for Tucker Carlson are increasing in his absence.
His fans old and new are gaining an appreciation that he is the real deal.
And he is missed.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.