
LA Protesters Chant 'Blue Lives Don't Matter Here' in Sickening Anti-Cop Display


Protesters voiced their hatred toward cops Monday evening at a protest in South Los Angeles.

A video taken by The Daily Caller’s Jorge Ventura shows protesters chanting “Blue lives don’t matter here” in front of cops monitoring the event.

The demonstration was originally organized to protest the shooting death of Dijon Kizzee, a bicyclist who was killed by police Aug. 31 after they stopped him for an alleged vehicle code violation. Police say he “made a motion toward” a gun that fell from his jacket before officers fired, killing him, according to the Los Angeles Times.

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive:

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Twitter users reacted to the disturbing chant with disgust:

This was not an isolated incident, as tensions with law enforcement rose throughout the night:

Unfortunately, civil unrest is now a normal occurrence in major American cities.

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Since the death of George Floyd in May, many protests have turned into riots, with groups such as antifa intentionally wreaking havoc on families and business owners.

Amid all the chaos, few protesters have been able to rise to the occasion and attempt to heal race relations with sensibility.


Most people understand that law enforcement is not perfect, and even some conservatives have acknowledged that certain reforms need to be made. But the calls by the radical left to defund and abolish the police have hijacked any conversation that would make change possible.

When South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott tried to address criminal justice reform with the JUSTICE Act in June, Democrats blocked the bill in a 55-45 vote on a motion for cloture. Sixty votes were needed for the bill to proceed.

It seems that Democrats would rather do nothing to implement criminal justice reform than swallow their pride and work with Republicans.

While Washington continues to do nothing, cities are being destroyed thanks in part to leftist leaders like Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who rejected President Donald Trump’s offer of help to curb the riots by sending in federal law enforcement:

Wheeler and others are perpetuating the crisis, which is allowing the insatiable and dangerous fringe left to continue committing acts of violence on the streets. While local leaders ignore the cries for help, people’s livelihoods are being burned down right before their eyes.

Solutions need to be implemented to improve race relations and the criminal justice system, but violence and hatred have no place in America.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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