
Klaus Schwab Reveals Who He Really Is as He Introduces New 'Role Model' for Countries


The World Economic Forum’s leader, Klaus Schwab, let the mask slip last week when he stated in an interview which nation he believes is a “role model” for the rest of the world.

According to Fox News, in an interview with Chinese state-affiliated media during last week’s APEC CEO Summit in Bangkok, Schwab says he sees the Chinese system as a “role model” for other nations.

“I think it’s a role model for many countries,” he said. While clarifying that each country needs to make its own decisions, Schwab did say that “the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries.”

Exactly what part of the Chinese system Schwab admired was not stated, which naturally leads one to wonder exactly what it is about the Chinese model that prompts his admiration.

Frankly, there should be nothing appealing to Americans about living under a Chinese-style system. China is a one-party communist state with absolutely no basic freedoms whatsoever.

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For instance, in the past few years, the Chinese Communist Party has introduced an onerous social credit score system, which rewards citizens for what they deem as “good behavior” and hands out harsh punishments for even minor offenses. This system has prevented millions of Chinese people from being allowed to travel due to their low social credit scores.

China has also cracked down harshly on religious and ethnic minorities and recent years. The most prominent instance comes from the western province of Xinjiang, where thousands of Uyghur Muslims have been arrested and sent to concentration camps. Also, let’s not forget the oppression of Tibetans under Chinese rule.

The government has also instituted a draconian “zero-COVID” policy, which has seen its citizens put under virtual house arrest, unable to even go out and buy food, as the country attempts to eliminate COVID.

Essentially, the Chinese system is designed to create a society of communist drones that will not challenge the communist authorities and will swear absolute loyalty to the CCP.


This thus begs the question, why would Klaus Schwab want the rest of the world to look to a country that oppresses its own citizens and is actively trying to eliminate minorities as a “role model” for the rest of the world? What could this system possibly have that Schwab and the WEF admire?

Unfortunately, this may have something to do with the fact that Schwab is really no different than the totalitarian tyrants he idolizes. Schwab and the WEF also want total control over society.

This is the group that has spent the last two years pushing a “great reset,” a plan to completely remake the global economy following the COVID pandemic. The promotion of the “great reset” had the infamous line “You will own nothing, and be happy.”

If this sounds like the implementation of global communism, you would be correct.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

The WEF has also ceaselessly pushed for a global transition to “green energy”, in some ways seeing it as the only way to defend democracy. However, as everyone is now seeing, this push for unsustainable green energy is now part of the reason that Europe is facing a severe energy crisis in the coming winter.

This is also the group that wants to institute a one-world government, in which nations would be abolished and a supranational body would control the lives of all people in the world. If that last sentence didn’t paint Schwab and the WEF as a veritable cabal of super-villains, nothing will.

So now it makes sense why Schwab would point to the Chinese system as a “role model.” Schwab, like the Chinese, wants to have complete control over the lives of ordinary people, and they want to punish anyone who resists.

There is no reason why anyone should admire or want to replicate the Chinese system and the fact that Schwab openly praises it gives a terrifying idea of what the WEF may have planned.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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