
KJP Kicks Off 2024 with a Bang: 'Shameful' to Send Migrants to Sanctuary Cities


The calendar might have turned a page, but Karine Jean Pierre hasn’t changed a bit.

The White House press secretary has been shilling for the Biden administration for more than a year — ranging from laughing off legitimate concerns about President Joe Biden’s age to blaming Republicans for crime in the Democratic-run District of Columbia.

But her turn at the microphone during a CNN interview on Tuesday shows she’s got plenty of shamelessness left in the tank for 2024.

The moment came when Jean-Pierre was asked by CNN anchor Audie Cornish about complaints by the mayors of Democratic cities drowning in the deluge of “asylum seekers” invited to enter the United States illegally by Biden’s refusal to secure his country’s borders.

As usual, KJP attempted to deflect the responsibility from its rightful place, but then went a step further and blamed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for transporting the migrants to Democratic-run cities in the north that not so long ago were claiming to welcome all comers with open arms.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“It is shameful that a Republican governor, Gov. Abbott in Texas, is using migrants as a political stunt,” she said. “That’s what he’s been doing.”

As Cornish pushed to clarify her answer, KJP kept talking.

“The busing of migrants. The putting them on flights. It is shameful that that is occurring. … If the governor really, truly wants to deal with this issue, he should talk to the senators in his state and actually ask them to work with us.”

First of all, transporting migrants to locations in the interior of the United States has been a practice of the Biden administration since at least the beginning of 2022.

Only two weeks ago, a writer for the Babylon Bee went viral with a post describing her experience aboard a Delta flight from Arizona to New York City that appeared to be filled with migrants being transported by the Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security.

Second of all, anyone who’s followed the news knows how downright eager Greg Abbott has to be to tell his federal representatives to work with the same Biden White House that has unleashed a tsunami of illegal immigrants on the Lone Star State. He’s been stuck dealing with the mess Biden created since even before Biden was sworn into office in 2021.

Shipping those huddled masses yearning to breathe free to northern cities has been about the only thing getting Democrats to focus on the problem.

Jean-Pierre, of course, sees things differently — or pretends to.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“The president put forth a comprehensive immigration plan because he believed that the system is broken,” Jean-Pierre told Cornish, according to RealClearPolitics.

“The immigration system is broken, and it’s been broken for decades,” she said.

The facts, as usual, are working against her.

In 2020, under then-President Donald Trump, the border had achieved at least a semblance of order.

Even the notoriously liberal Newsweek acknowledged that in a September 2022 report:

“Migrant encounters during the Trump administration did generally trend downward after he instituted the Remain in Mexico policy, which required asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico for their hearings in U.S. immigration court. Initially, there had been an uptick in encounters after the policy took effect in January 2019. However, by the end of that year, encounters had fallen below the figures seen a year before [emphasis added] and remained relatively low until March 2021, which was when the Biden administration first faced national criticism related to the border.”

Those words are in italics because the fiscal years 2019 and 2020 are the only years to show a decline in law enforcement encounters with illegal immigrants between 2017 and today, according to Customs and Border Protection data.


As the state with the largest border with Mexico, Texas has been dealing with the brunt of that tidal wave of humanity.

Now, it’s important to remember that during Trump’s years in the White House, Democratic-run cities positively gloried in their moral supremacy as welcoming migrants.

In 2019, then-new (now former) Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot declared the city would not cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and that “Chicago will always be a welcoming city and a champion for the rights of our immigrant and refugee communities.”

In 2017, as The New York Times reported under the headline “Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order,” Democratic mayors from Chicago, Los Angeles and New York, among other cities, reacted with outrage at a Trump administration threat to cut funding for municipalities that operated as “sanctuary cities” and refused to comply with federal laws on illegal immigration.

“We’re going to defend all of our people regardless of where they come from, regardless of their immigration status,” then-New York Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York said at a news conference, according to the Times.

So, the “sanctuary” cities wanted illegal immigrants. Immigrants are being bused or flown from Texas to the cities they want to go to. Seems like all parties involved — the sanctuary cities, the illegal immigrants — are getting what they asked for.

It takes a mind warped to the point of Democratic insanity to blame Greg Abbott for the situation in January 2024 — but that’s how KJP got her job in the first place.

Fortunately, the governor isn’t giving an inch.

“KJP – & Biden – think Americans are fools,” he wrote in a social media post on Tuesday. “I talked directly to Biden about what must be done.

“They ignore policy changes & deny that the border is open b/c they truly want illegal immigration.

“TX will continue building barriers, denying illegal entry & busing migrants.”

Other social media users weren’t fooled, either. Not all Americans have a memory as bad as Joe Biden’s.

Abbott’s post hit the nail on the head.

Karine Jean-Pierre and her boss have to think the American people are fools.

It would take fools to believe that Biden’s obvious decline as he ages is a figment of the imagination.

It would take fools to believe that Republicans are responsible for the kinds of crimes the country has seen since the Democratic-approved “defund the police” madness took hold in the United States in 2020.

And it would take fools not to remember that the Democratic cities now groaning under the weight of a literal invasion of migrants being allowed to pass the border by the Biden administration were bragging about their “sanctuary” status only a presidential election ago.

The calendar year might say “2024” instead of “2023,” but KJP hasn’t changed a bit.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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