
KJP Hides Behind the Law, Refuses to Answer Major Question Hovering Over Biden's Campaign


You know Joe Biden.

He’s the old pol who for the most part hid out during the 2020 presidential election as his opponent, Donald Trump, packed arenas with cheering crowds consisting of people who would crawl on glass to vote for him.

Response to Biden, when he did peek out, was underwhelming. And you know how it all turned out.

Old Joe won. Imagine that (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). He won.

And it looks like President Joe wants to use the same strategy in 2024.

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When asked Tuesday by Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy if Biden would ever hold a campaign event, Biden’s official press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre essentially said: “No comment.”


Addressing Jean-Pierre, Doocy noted that a month had passed since Biden had announced he was running for re-election. “Is President Biden going to hold a campaign event, ever?” Doocy asked.

“As you know, we follow the rule of law here,” Jean-Pierre responded. “We believe in following the rule of law as it relates…to anything that is connected to the campaign — any rallies, any events, any endorsement, anything that is connected to the 2024 re-election.


“That is not going to certainly come from here [the press secretary]. That is going to come from his campaign or the DNC [Democratic National Committee], and/or the DNC.”

“So you can’t say if he will be campaigning for re-election?” Doocy asked.

“I’m just not going to comment from here on the 2024 re-election,” she said, then making a vague reference to the Hatch Act, a 1939 law prohibiting federal employees from being involved in political activities.

While political campaigns for incumbents attempt to keep campaign expenses separate from official expenses, everyone knows the incumbency carries exceptional political weight and the line between campaigns and official duties is blurred.

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For instance, when a president campaigns in Air Force One, his campaign may be paying the expenses of the big jet, but just having the iconic aircraft in the background of an airport tarmac speech presents a campaign prop only available to the president.

And it makes for great optics.

Hiding behind the Hatch Act is an unlikely excuse for not describing the Biden re-election strategy. Politicians – incumbent or not – are always looking for ways to score points by making promises or showing off accomplishments.

Jean-Pierre’s refusal to comment indicates she has not been briefed on the re-election plans, the campaign has not yet made plans, or the campaign has made plans but is not telling of them.

Or maybe Biden’s people are looking at how the non-campaign of 2020 worked so well for them.

So, they say, why rock the boat? Let’s just do the same thing again.

Nudge, nudge, wink wink.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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