Kellyanne Conway Predicts Parents Will Dominate Midterm Elections and Vote GOP
Former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign manager Kellyanne Conway predicted Monday that parents will play a decisive role in the midterm elections.
“[President] Joe Biden and the Democrats are already having a hard time keeping their grip on the suburban women,” Conway told Fox News “America Reports” host Sandra Smith.
“We saw it laid bare in the governors’ elections in both Virginia and New Jersey,” the former White House aide added.
An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released in February showed Biden experiencing a double-digit decline with suburban women in recent months, from 57 percent to 45 percent approval.
The survey was of 1,264 U.S. adults, conducted from Feb. 15-21, with a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent.
Pew Research Center reported that Biden carried the suburban vote overall with 54 percent in the 2020 general election versus the 45 percent support former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton garnered in 2016.
“If you listen to some of the parents they say, ‘Listen, I’m a lifelong Democrat. I believe this, that and the other with the Democratic Party. I align with them on these issues, but nothing is more important than my kid,'” said Conway, a New Jersey native.
She pointed to critical race theory, masking and remote learning, as issues that have galvanized parents.
Additionally, Conway noted that nearly three million women “were driven out of the workforce” during COVID-19, and some still have not returned.
“They know it was the Democratic Party doing that,” she said. “We know which party made our kids political pawns.”
Republicans currently have a nearly 3 percent lead on the generic congressional ballot in the Real Clear Politics average of polls and 11 percent in a recent Rasmussen poll.
When the GOP had a 12 percent lead in Rasmussen’s survey heading into the 2010 midterms, they picked up 63 seats and control of the House.
The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that Democratic policies related to the pandemic and the economy are driving Democrats toward the GOP.
Democrat Jennifer Loughran, from Bridgewater, New Jersey, is a newly elected school board member who voted for Republican Jack Ciattarelli in last November’s governor’s race in her state.
Ciattarelli stunned political watchers by nearly defeating incumbent Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy in a state that Biden won by 16 percent in 2020.
“Ms. Loughran decided her opposition to her party’s mask mandates, economic restrictions and school-closure policies outweighed her support for positions on climate change, abortion and gay rights, at least for the moment,” the Journal reported.
“What I do know is that my party-line vote shouldn’t be taken for granted anymore,” Loughran said.
Similarly, Gina Genovese is a long-time Democratic voter, who describes herself as “far-left” on global warming and gay rights, voted for Ciattarelli.
“Democrats have left me so disillusioned,” she said.
Genovese told the Journal she will probably vote for Republican Thomas H. Kean Jr. for Congress this fall.
Rachel Keane, a 35-year-old registered nurse, voted Republican for the first time in November.
“I knew I wasn’t going to vote for Murphy but wasn’t sure if I was going to leave it blank or what,” she said. “Then I just got angry … And I voted Republican all the way down the line.”