
Kamala Harris 'Ready' to Take Over from Biden: 'There's No Question About That'


For someone who’s quickly becoming a living, breathing avatar of the Dunning-Kruger effect, Kamala Harris seems awfully confident in her nonexistent leadership abilities.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal a mere two days before the release of a special counsel report calling President Joe Biden an “elderly man with a poor memory,” Harris was asked whether she has to convince voters that she is ready to take over for Biden.

Untroubled by the slightest hint of self-awareness, Harris responded, “I am ready to serve. There’s no question about that,” insisting that everyone who sees her working “walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead.”

This is a level of self-delusion that almost puts our senile president to shame.

Now, the Journal did its best to justify Harris’ remark, commending her for taking a more active role (well, relatively speaking) regarding the Israel-Hamas war and abortion “rights” following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

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Even so, the Journal was forced to acknowledge Harris and Biden’s abysmal poll numbers and voters’ ambivalence regarding the prospect of a President Harris.

The outlet even quoted a young liberal woman who said she’s going to vote third-party because “mentally, I’m not sure [Biden’s] a fit president.”

“If [Harris] has to step in, I think that she would do a fine job of holding office, but for four years as a president, I would have to say that I don’t feel like she is ready,” she added.

Despite the Journal’s best efforts, Harris had and still has nothing to recommend herself to Democratic voters besides her gender and her race, and those diversity points have long since ceased to give her a pass even on the left.

Harris has performed so poorly as vice president that she’s become a meme, with people all over the internet lampooning her infamous “word salads,” her bizarre remarks about school buses and Venn diagrams, and the grating cackle she unleashes at the most inappropriate of times.

She was quietly moved from her initial job as “border czar” after accomplishing nothing and humiliating herself in an interview with Lester Holt. When Holt noted that she hadn’t even visited the southern border, Harris responded with a nervous laugh and the comment, “And I haven’t been to Europe.”


Democrats believe “women’s rights” (i.e., abortion) will be what turns Harris’ image around, but the damage is done. The Biden administration and the Democratic Party as a whole are petrified of the prospect of a President Harris.

While she may have been a good choice to shore up support for Biden in the 2020 election, now that she has a track record, that trick is clearly not going to work a second time.

The fact is, Harris is quite unduly confident for a woman who has had the reverse Midas touch on everything she is given charge over.

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Isn’t it amazing how the least qualified people tend to be the most confident in their own abilities?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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