
Kamala Harris Has 12 Embarrassing Seconds of Pure Word Salad When Asked About Climate Protesters


Kamala Harris is at it again — offering Americans a lesson in using too many words to describe absolutely nothing.

On Wednesday night, the vice president appeared on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” because obviously with a continued border crisis, tense international relations and a crumbling economy, making an appearance on a late-time talk show is a priority.

Now, to be fair Harris did take some time to “answer” questions on policy and the affairs of these great United States.

In one segment of the interview, host Stephen Colbert asked Harris about the Willow Project — an oil drilling venture in Alaska’s federally designated National Petroleum Reserve, which has just been approved — to the shock of many and the chagrin of activists — by the Biden administration.

First, Colbert inquired whether the approval of such a project would break one of President Joe Biden’s campaign promises: “no new drilling licenses issued on public land.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“I understand the concerns that have been made, but here’s the thing, if you look at what our administration has done — it’s historic, ” Harris deflected. (Historically awful maybe, but that’s just one writer’s opinion.) She clarified, “in terms of an investment in a clean energy economy.”

Ah yes, the clean energy initiative that has created power outages during the height of summer; pushed electric vehicles on a populace that lives in areas where the power grid cannot accommodate charging an army of said vehicles; and claimed that gas stoves should be banned (if you aren’t AOC or first lady Jill Biden).

After explaining, in typical long-winded fashion (literally 1 minute and 10 seconds of explaining), how much the Biden administration has done with their valiant efforts, Colbert (who shockingly hadn’t dozed off) continued with his questioning, and to his credit, it wasn’t a softball question.


“Was there any discussion in the White House about what the blowback would be for approving the Willow Oil Project? Because people have gotten quite upset about it. I think there’s some protesters outside right now,” Colbert pressed.

And then, came the … I hesitate to call it an answer so much as a string of words jumbled together:

“I think that the concerns are based on what we should all be concerned about, but the solutions have to be, and include, what we are doing in terms of going forward, in terms of investments.”

Now, I know politicians aren’t known for giving straightforward answers, but at least most of them are coherent.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Unfortunately, this is not the first time Harris has served up word salad to the American public, and Twitter users were quick to make sure she didn’t forget it.

“I wish my salad was as good as this (word) salad,” one user wrote in response to the RNC Research tweet, with another adding a picture of salad dressing (complete with a photo Kamala Harris cackling) that said, “The salad dressing for lovers of dressing for their salads that need salad dressing.”

“I am @VP Kamala Harris and this is your Master’s Class on Doublespeak,” another user quipped.

“[S]he has a way with words,” another said.

Yes, the vice president certainly has a way with words … and with words she has her way … as she uses words. And for someone who holds such a high-ranking position in the United States, we would expect some level of competence to give us some faith this person can represent America in the best way — or at least not in a pitiful way.

Sadly, Kamala Harris has given us no confidence in her role or in the Biden administration.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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