
John Kerry Downplays Ongoing Genocide Because He Wants to Work with China on Climate


John Kerry is making headlines for his horrible ideas on foreign policy. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

In his latest episode, Kerry, who is President Joe Biden’s “special presidential envoy for climate,” has attempted to downplay the severity of China’s mass genocide.

In his eyes, apparently genocides aren’t that big of a deal as long as the country committing them will work with the United States on climate change.

In a Friday interview with Foreign Policy, Kerry said that he can basically ignore China’s human rights violations while he discusses partnering with them on climate initiatives.

“We have differences on economic rules, on cyber,” he said. “We have other differences on human rights, geostrategic interests, but those differences do not have to get in the way of something that is as critical as dealing with climate.”

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The fact that Kerry would dismiss China’s active genocide as a mere “difference on human rights” is absolutely sickening.

According to USA Today, Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken formally accused the Chinese government of “genocide and crimes against humanity” on April 6.

In a March 26 article, the BBC reported that China was being accused of detaining “more than a million Uighurs over the past few years.” The Uyghurs are a mostly Muslim population living in the northwest Chinese region of Xinjiang.

“Several countries, including the US, Canada and the Netherlands, have accused China of committing genocide — defined by international convention as the ‘intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,'” the BBC reported.


“It follows reports that, as well as interning Uighurs in camps, China has been forcibly mass sterilising Uighur women to suppress the population and separating Uighur children from their families.”

USA Today also reported following Biden’s first solo news conference that the president promised to address the treatment of the Uyghurs by the Chinese government.

Biden offered a three-pronged plan in dealing with China, one of which was to “focus the world’s attention on Beijing’s escalating human rights abuses.”

That is a valiant goal, but it is one that Biden’s administration has so far failed to work toward. Once again, the administration has overwhelmingly provided words instead of actions.

A Biden official like Blinken can “formally” accuse the Chinese government of genocide all he wants. It still does not mean much when another official like Kerry is actively downplaying the situation.

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It seems that Kerry’s words go directly against Biden’s promises at his solo news conference. Instead of bringing more attention to the human rights abuses in China, Kerry said we shouldn’t let them “get in the way.”

If the Biden administration really wanted to bring attention to the genocide, it would refuse to work with China until the communist nation stopped its crimes against humanity. Instead, the White House feels that climate change is more important.

This is the second time this week that Kerry has broken into the news cycle over reports of him buddying up with violent governments. On Monday, he was accused of leaking Israeli secrets to the Iranian government while serving as secretary of state under former President Barack Obama.

Unfortunately, Kerry is not an outlier in the Biden administration. Instead, he presents a clear demonstration of its view that U.S. adversaries can be given special treatment as long as they benefit the left politically.

Biden and Kerry believe that pushing issues like climate change instead of stopping mass genocide in China is their best political move. It is up to American voters to prove them wrong.

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