
Joe Biden Loses Touch with Reality, Says His $3.5 Trillion Plan Costs 'Zero Dollars'


President Joe Biden is flat-out dishonest about how much his agenda will cost American taxpayers, at least according to his Twitter account.

“My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars,” the president falsely claimed in a tweet on Saturday.

“Instead of wasting money on tax breaks, loopholes, and tax evasion for big corporations and the wealthy, we can make a once-in-a-generation investment in working America. And it adds zero dollars to the national debt.”

Here’s the kicker: His “Build Back Better” spending plan costs $3.5 trillion.

Biden attempted to explain his math during remarks on Friday at the White House.

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“We talk about price tags,” the president said. “The — it is zero price tag on the debt. We’re paying — we’re going to pay for everything we spend. So they say it’s not — you know, people, understandably — ‘Well, you know, it started off at $6 trillion, now it’s $3.5 trillion. Now it’s — is it going to be $2.9? Is it …’

“It’s going to be zero — zero. Because in the — in that plan that I put forward — and I said from the outset — I said, ‘I’m running to change the dynamic of how the economy grows.’

“I’m tired of trickle-down. The trillionaires and billionaires are doing very, very well — you all know it; you’ve all reported it — and in the middle of this crisis. But hardworking people and middle-class people are getting hurt. And so, I provide for, for example, a tax cut.”

Do you support Biden's spending plan?

Those with a basic understanding of money lambasted the president on Twitter for the false remarks.

Even Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer, who backs the Biden plan, said the bill is “not costless.”

“I strongly support the new infrastructure plan,” he said bluntly. “It is not costless.”

Others took on a much harsher tone against the president.

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“Nobody believes creating new, massive and permanent government programs costs zero dollars especially not the Senate Democrats they need to convince to vote for it,” said Purple Strategies partner Rory Cooper.

Cooper makes an important point, which is that even moderate Democratic Sens. Krysten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia are hesitant to support the bill because of its hefty price tag.

The fiscal year ends on Thursday, meaning there could be a government shutdown if the Democrats do not unite and negotiate to get behind the legislation.

In addition to the $3.5 trillion plan, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to put a $1 trillion infrastructure bill up to vote Thursday as well, The New York Times reported.

If the bill truly cost nothing, there would be no vote on the debt ceiling in the Senate, as scheduled for 5:30 Eastern time on Monday, according to CNN. Republicans are set to ensure that a raise does not pass.

The Biden White House is lying to the American people in order to garner public support for his agenda.

The only thing missing from his post was the misinformation label from Twitter.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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