
Jenny Beth Martin Rallies at Capitol To Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett


Jenny Beth Martin, the Honorary Chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action, helped organize a rally Monday in support of the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The rally occurred on Capitol Hill as the first day of confirmation hearings got underway.

Among the groups represented and speaking at the rally, in addition to Tea Party Patriots, were Concerned Women for America, Students for Life, Heritage Action and the National Federation of Republican Women.

Martin also noted the backing of the libertarian-conservative groups FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity.

“We are out here today because we want to see Judge Amy Coney Barrett become Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett,” Martin said.

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“She is extremely qualified. There is bipartisan support for how well qualified she is and what a great legal mind she has,” the Tea Party leader added.

The American Bar Association rated Barrett “well qualified” on Sunday.

Barrett was appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit by President Donald Trump in 2017. Prior to that, she was a Notre Dame Law School professor.


Early in her legal career in the late 1990s, Barrett clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia at the Supreme Court.

Martin noted that the mother of seven would hold a unique status if she were confirmed to the high court.

“She will be the first Supreme Court justice to have school-aged children while on the bench. Even men weren’t able to do that, so it’s really quite impressive that this is happening,” Martin said.

Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, also lauded Barrett’s nomination.

“This is a moment of unity for women,” Nance said. “This is a moment for women who are feminists. There is no better representation for what women can achieve than Amy Coney Barrett.”

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“She’s a woman who has risen to the very top of her profession, while refusing to give up the idea of having children and having a family,” the conservative women’s leader added.

Students for Life president Kristin Hawkins called Barrett an “icon for women across the country.”

“The pro-life generation is ready for that woman to protect life and law,” Hawkins said.

Ann Schockett with the National Federation of Republican Women also voiced her full support.

“Amy Coney Barrett reflects our values and our principles,” Schockett said. “She is here to uphold the Constitution of the United States and that is what we stand for. We stand for the rule of law and she’s a brilliant jurist.”

Protesters and supporters of Barrett’s appointment faced off outside of the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Monday.

Protesters chanted, “Let the people decide,” while supporters countered, “Fill that seat.”

GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday on a Zoom call sponsored by Heritage Action that she felt the hearing is going well for Barrett.

“The Democrats are scared to death of Amy Coney Barrett,” Blackburn said.

Democrats, she added, want to send the message that if you are a nominee with pro-life, pro-family views, your voice as a woman does not count.

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