
Jason Whitlock: 'Liberalism Is the New KKK Hood,' 'White Liberals' Are 'Actual Bigots'


Sports journalist Jason Whitlock denounced white liberals as “bigots” during an interview Wednesday with Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Whitlock was discussing the story of white former George Washington University professor Jessica Krug, who recently admitted that she built a career out of pretending to be black.

“Tucker, this really blows my mind, but where we’ve gone in this country is that there is a business built around racial grievance,” he said. “And that business is booming at such a level that white people are like, ‘Hey, I’m going to adopt a whole new identity so I can benefit from being baby Al Sharpton, baby Jesse Jackson.’

“And in academia this is being embraced, and she’s been able to pull off this scam, but it’s not just her,” Whitlock added.

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“This isn’t just an anecdote. We’ve had it with Rachel Dolezal, we’ve had it with the Shaun King guy on Twitter who is white, who has pretended to be black, who has lied and said that, ‘Oh, my mother slept with a black man and she didn’t tell anybody about it.’

“All of these people moving into the race-bait industry and business, and it must be very profitable and lucrative because everybody wants to be down with the cause.”

Rachel Dolezal, a former president of a local NAACP chapter, was outed back in 2015 for pretending to be African-American.

While King claims to be black, even liberal CNN host Don Lemon has admitted that “a family member tells CNN that both of King’s parents are white.”


Later in the interview, Whitlock — who in June joined fellow sports journalist Clay Travis at Travis’ increasingly popular sports news website, Outkick — specifically called out white liberals.

“The branding has been so strong that if you put on this label of being a liberal, there is virtually nothing you can do negative against black people that will be seen as negative,” Whitlock said.

“White liberals, I’m sorry, they’re the actual bigots. And I know that that’s going to blow a lot of people’s minds, but liberalism, to me, is now the new KKK hood. Bigots used to hide under hoods. Now they hide under the label of being a liberal and a progressive, and that allows you to be as bigoted as you want to be.

“If you want to call yourself an anti-fascist and support Black Lives Matter as a white person, that means you can go out into the street, tear down neighborhoods, harass people, say all kinds of disrespectful stuff to white and black people and it’s all good because allegedly you’re ‘fighting racism,’ allegedly you’re on the side of black people and actually, if you evaluate their actions and their mindset, they actually can’t stand black people, have no respect for black people, think very little of black people and certainly aren’t working towards our benefit.”

It does seem odd, considering the fact that liberals are supposedly less racist than conservatives (according to the liberals themselves, at least), that all of the individuals mentioned above who have been accused of pretending to be black are left-wing figures.

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Shaun King, Rachel Dolezal and now Jessica Krug all allegedly pretended to be African-Americans, with Krug even citing how much of an advantage doing so gave her.

Even Elizabeth Warren claimed to have Native American descent, although a DNA test later showed that she was only 1/1,024th Native-American, making her less Native America than the average European-American.

While this isn’t akin to the blatant, supremacist racism of the KKK, this new strain of supposed “liberalism” uses black people and treats skin color as the most important aspect of a person’s identity.

Jason Whitlock makes a very good point, and he’s absolutely correct to call out the bigotry of liberals.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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